Uban shoot in Cork – Pictures

Aug 27, 2008 | Flash, News

My thanks go to Liam Ramsell of Irish Eyes for hosting today’s shooting urban portraits seminar in Cork. The weather was kind and my delegates were hungry for knowledge. Here are a few of my pictures straight from Lightroom.

Lit with 2 Speedlights and using -1 stop of exposure compensation for the background.

An artist's impression of a new city development in Cork was an ideal background for this portrait. I lit the shot with 2 Canon Speedlites and used -1 stop of exposure compensation for the background. The background, lighting and exposure give the shot a surreal quality.

Lit with 1 Speedlight and -2 stops of exposure compensation for the background.

Lit with 1 Speedlite and -2 stops of exposure compensation for the background.

Taken with a Canon 16-35mm set at the wide end. I couldn't get back any further because I was right on the edge of Corks's city dock.

Taken with a Canon 16-35mm set at the wide end. I couldn't get any further back because of Cork's deep water city dock was right behind me.

Lit with 2 Speedlights triggered with an STE2 transmitter.

Lit with 2 Speedlites triggered with an STE2 transmitter.


  1. Joleen Cronin

    Thanks again for a wonderful workshop last week. I really learned lots, got some some great images and heaps of new ideas. Super stuff!

  2. damien

    Thank you all. Please let Liam have your ideas for future workshops or shooting events. I am well aware that Marko my picture editor could show some of you guys how to bring the pictures to life in seconds rather than minutes. I propose we both over to Cork again in April. Let Liam know what you want and we will see what can be arranged.

    Thanks again, Damien.

  3. John Sexton

    Thanks Damien ( and Liam ), for a fantastic set of courses & workshops over the past week. I’ve come away with an amazing set of images, and as Kevin has mentioned, I now know how to re-create the images that Damien has produced & understand how they work. Looking forward to even more workshops in the near furture !


  4. Keith Sullivan

    another great coarse from Irish eyes, it just great to have such experienced photographer like Damien to share his experience. this is what Ireland was missing was pros sharing there skills..

  5. David Lavery

    Just back from the workshop , it was fantastic.For me it has opened up a whole new chapter for my photography.Must put it into practice now.Thanks to the Liam for organizing the get together.Thanks to Damien for his knowledge.

  6. Kevin

    I really enjoyed this seminar. I had a quick flick through my pictures when I got home and they look great but, more importantly, I understand the process involved in achieving this urban look. Thanks for a great day!


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