Colour with confidence movie trailer

Mar 26, 2009 | Flash, Location

The trailer below will give you a taster of the complete HD movie available to download from the members area of our main site. This trailer is a small compressed 5 minute slice of the full 38 minute presentation. If you have already downloaded the movie you can leave comments or ask questions in the comments section below.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”230px” width=”420px” /]

Instructions to download the full movie:

• Sign up to become a member here (it’s free)

• Add the movie to your cart and continue to the checkout

• At the checkout enter the discount code ‘arpeggio’ in the Coupon Code entry field to get £20 off the £30 charge. You cart will auto update to show just the £10 charge. This discount code expires at noon GMT on Monday and from then on the price of the download will be £30.

• After checkout you will be given your unique link to download the movie.

• Follow this link to get your free DIVX player. Be sure to click on the green free player link button.

• Enjoy the movie as often as you want. It’s full of design, colour and style nuggets.


  1. damien

    Comment of the month moment…

    Hi Graham,

    Thank you for your kind words and in light of your frustration at missing the download offer. I have decided to give you a personal voucher code entitling you to a free download of my colour with confidence movie. Add the movie to your basket and enter your personal voucher code (sent by personal email) in the coupon code box, click add, and your balance due will revert to zero at the checkout.

    Cheers, Damien.

  2. Graham Cull

    As an amateur photographer of retirement age, I was disappointed not to be able to purchase this download at the reduced price.
    It was quite by chance that I came across your site recently and therefore missed the closing date on the offer. I pondered whether to purchase one of your dvds as they are expensive and as an amateur am not able to recover the cost. However I did dive in and buy the ‘Natural Light’ dvd and am extremely pleased with it. I am impressed with your clear and precise delivery and the quality.
    Should my few premium bonds become winning ones then I shall be able to book myself on to one of your workshops. Until then I shall continue to view your site drooling!




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