Flash flood in the Country ~ Pictures and Techniques

Flash flood in the Country ~ Pictures and Techniques

Wednesday’s shoot was a washout. We were shooting in an overgrown quarry, a flower meadow, a high canopy woodland and a pebble beach. The driving rain was constant so we just got stuck in to a full featured shoot. Here are our pictures. I was testing the new...

Pocket Wizard Mini TT1 & Flex TT5 ~ research info

A lot of noise on the US forums about the mechanical strength and the RF range of these units has led me to publish a few of the links and info here for you to check out should you wish to do so. When I get my UK frequency units I’ll be carrying out my own tests...
Postproduction videos ~ progress report

Postproduction videos ~ progress report

Quite a few of you were emailing about the video tutorials for Photoshop and Lightroom and asking when are they going to be available. After an initial delay back in March we missed the shoot slot with our TV crew but I’m glad to say we are now back up and...
Make the world your studio ~ feature article

Make the world your studio ~ feature article

In this article I explain my strategies, techniques and systems for using big flash and Speedlights on location. When we are in the studio we enjoy total control of all light. Any light that exists, is there because we put it there. On location it is a different...