Speedlight Mastery 2 ~ Pictures and techniques

Mar 23, 2010 | Flash, Location

Shooting Chloe in sunny Bristol was a delight for my second ever Canon Speedlight Mastery workshop.

Shooting Chloe in sunny Bristol was a delight for my second ever Canon Speedlight Mastery workshop. This shot was lit with sunlight as a key and a pair of 580EX2s as backlights. The next shot shows the complete set up.


With CTO gels by Honl on the Speedlights and the white balance set to 3400k we had some fun with this sunlit graphic at the Bristol waterfront.

Punchy shots were the order of the day. No black holes though because we ensure detail is

Punchy shots were the order of the day. Although it is important not to fill your shots with black holes. We strive to ensure there is some detail is in the shadows no matter what.

Diverse images and picture styles emerged from the same lighting position.

Diverse images and picture styles emerged from the same lighting position.


Once you have a strong colour in the file it is easy to shift it to whatever you want. Marko chose red for this frame.

My secret location featured on this workshop too. Here Chloe's keylight was from

My secret location featured on this workshop too. Here Chloe's keylight was from a 580 EX2 Speedlight on a Flex TT5 in a Lastolite Ezybox Hotshoe with a tilt head spigot on an Arri stand. The backlight was from a bare faced 580EX2 on a stand. I love to keep things simple at times.

This is the first frame taken without flash to show the set up.

This is the first frame taken without flash to show the set up.

This is the setup with one Speedlight in an Ezybox

This is the setup with one Speedlight in an Ezybox

And here it is with 3 Speedlights. Two more Speedlights were rigged out of shot and triggered with Pocket Wizard TTL units to act as back lights. Chloe's jeans tell the whole story.

And here it is with 3 Speedlights. Two more Speedlights were rigged out of shot and triggered with Pocket Wizard TTL units to act as back lights. Chloe's jeans tell the whole story. I build the shots light by light to ensure each delegate has the knowledge needed to recreate the lighting designs in their own locations.


Marko decided to work on the monochrome version of this shot to bring it to life.

This two light shot was one of the easiest rigs of the day but makes an exciting picture.

This two light shot was one of the easiest rigs of the day but makes an exciting picture.

I then showed how to integrate daylight into the mix and to really work the image style in a rigged shoot location. This is one of my favourite shots of the day and it was taken in the same light as the shot above.

I then showed how to integrate daylight into the mix and to really work the image style in a rigged shoot location. This is one of my favourite shots of the day and it was taken in the same light as the shot above.

Next it was time for the Orbis. I'm really getting to like the quality of light I can get from this neat little unit.

Next it was time for the Orbis. I'm really getting to like the quality of light I can get from this neat little unit.

I love the scope to shoot art the Orbis gives. I'm used to using the Broncolor ringflash and I must say it gives a crisper look to skin because the Orbis is somewhat diffused however you can get 90%

I love the scope to shoot art the Orbis gives. I'm used to using the Broncolor ringflash and I must say it gives a crisper look to skin because the Orbis is somewhat diffused however you can get 90% of the effect with just £160 ish - fantastic.

The Orbis again and the amazing Chloe. What a winning combination.

The Orbis again and the amazing Chloe. What a winning combination.

No Bristol shoot would be complete without a play around on the life size toy trains. Honl filters were at it again for this shot.

No Bristol shoot would be complete without a play around on the life size toy trains. Honl filters were at it again for this shot.

I finished the day with the Orbis providing the light.

I finished the day with the Orbis providing the light.

If you want to join me on a Canon or Nikon specific Speedlight Mastery workshop here are the details of the up and coming available dates. If you have any questions please do email me or better still post them here. Please feel free to comment on the pictures below. If you were there on the day I’d love to hear your comments too. Regards, Damien.


  1. richard stone

    wow!! some great results there in some dark locations

    • damien

      Thanks Richard :)

  2. Emmett

    Inspiring insight, will be trying these setups as soon as possible!

    • damien

      Thanks Emmett.

  3. damien

    Cheers Will. The shot was an afterthought but that’s just the thing I look for.


  4. damien

    Hi Claire, You are a very welcome lurker :) See you again soon perhaps. Kindest regards, Damien.

  5. damien

    Douglas and Ken, It was my pleasure. I hope you both got your flights okay. Stay in touch and see you soon Damien.

  6. damien

    Hi Michaela and Jacob, Thanks for your words of encouragement. Chloe’s eyes just seem to penetrate the first image. There’s a depth and crispness in her look that is world class.


  7. damien

    Hi Steve,

    The 21mm is now a part of my kit and has settled in well. The 135mm is about to go back on Ebay where it came from. I’m not really getting to grips with the lack of IS. If I used a tripod, shot landscapes or architecture I’d be happy but I need IS for sure.

    Thanks for your comments about my shots, Damien.

  8. damien

    Hi Jean,

    It was the other way round;) Only the single flash used in the shot had a gel.


  9. damien

    Hi Nic

    We must have just missed each other. We left ‘the zone’ at about noon.

    Cheers, Damien

  10. Claire Plumridge

    Hi Damien
    I did one of your studio lighting courses last year, and have been ‘lurking’ on here ever since. I love your style and these images are great, especially like the B&W in your ‘seceret location’. Thanks for all the tips and information you give on this site.

  11. damien

    Hi Edel.

    I’d love to have a day shooting Speedlights with you. I’ve put on some extra dates for the Speedlight Mastery workshop so do keep checking the site. Thanks for your kind words.


  12. Ken McBride

    HI Damien. Good days shoot on Monday. Just got my fav 7 onto my site. Looking forward to the Studio Shoot next month.

    Douglas, sorry I missed you at the airport. Had to dash.

    Regards Ken

  13. Douglas Craig

    Hi Damien, Thanks for a great day, it was very enjoyable and informative. I’ve tried your techniques from the dvd but having one to one guidance helps immensely, both to reinforce what I know and clear up what I’m not sure about. Your enthusiam is an inspiration as always! All the best and I look forward to going on another of your courses in the not too distant future.

  14. Jakob Swartz


    Thanks for once again sharing great pictures with the photo community. I have followed your blog for about a year, and I appreciate every single post you make.


  15. Michaela

    Fabulous – the first image is breathtaking… thank you for sharing your techniques and set ups.

  16. Steve Hale

    This is a great set Damien, clearly you are fired up after the cold winter indoors! How are you getting on with the shift to primes, learnt to love the 135L yet?

  17. jean Dawkins

    i love the use of the gells on the flash gun. for the foreground in the railway carriage and normal flash on the models face. great stuff

  18. Gemma

    Wow! I think I need to find a few secret locations of my own!

    Stunning work as always. You make me want to buy lighting! :-)

    See you for the workshop tomorrow.

  19. Nic Box

    More fab shots. I was at that secret location this lunchtime….. Your secret’s safe with me!

  20. Edel

    I Love them all damien. Really would to do this speedlight course. Have the DVD and it’s great but would love to put into practise. Will keep an eye on your site for dates.

  21. damien

    Thanks Tara you are a star :)

  22. Rufat

    Hello Damien. I am thinking of getting a lighting equipment for my new studio and these photographs can be a good guide for me while making a right decision. The photographs are great as usual. Thank you.

  23. Tara Taylor

    Looks like you had a fab day! Great shots and locations!


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