Speedlight Portraits ~ Pictures and Techniques

Mar 31, 2010 | Flash, Location

A whole lotta love.

A whole lotta love. ISO 400, 1/200th second at f/4. Lit with a pair of Canon 580EX2 Speedlights, one in an Lastolite Ezybox and the other with a Honl Speed strap and a home made full blue gel. I wanted to create a night time street scene look in my secret Bristol location.

Here are a few pictures from one of my latest Speedlight Mastery workshops together with the techniques I’ve used.

Another shot using

Another shot in a different zone of my fab location using the same lighting techniques as in the picture above.

For this shot, I mixed ambient key light with a blue geled backlight

For this shot, I mixed ambient key light with a blue geled backlight. ISO 800 1/13th second at f/4. I used a monopod to steady my Canon 5D mk2 with the 24mm - 70mm lens, set at 27mm.

ISO 200, 1/200th second at f/9,

ISO 200, 1/200th second at f/9. White balance shifting made up a big part of the day's training. The sun was Carolinas backlight in this shot.

While the delegates were shooting a punchy flash lit shot I switched my Canon 5D mk2 to ISO 6400 and took this frame at 135mm on my 70mm-200mm lens at f/4 and 1/40th of a second exposure.

While the delegates were shooting a punchy flash lit shot I switched my Canon 5D mk2 to ISO 6400 and took this frame of Carolina at 135mm on my 70mm-200mm lens at f/4 and 1/40th of a second exposure.

After Lunch we tok time out to shoot a bit of art.

After Lunch we took time out to shoot a bit of art in a cafe bar. Lit with a Speedlight reflected in a diffused silver umbrella. The driving rain was causing havoc outside while we were shooting in the warm.

The Orbis ringflash adapter didn't dissapoint.

The Orbis ringflash adapter didn't dissapoint. Carolina provided the style and a 580 EX2 in the Orbis triggered by the Pocket Wizard TTL system did the rest.

If you want to join me on a Speedlight Mastery workshop I have dates available for sessions in Manchester and Bristol in April and May. Details are here. Whatever the weather, the training is assured. Please feel free to comment on the pictures or techniques I’ve used.


  1. Chris

    do you remember the programme on C4 “the crystal maze” when you mentioned the different zones in your secret location, that prog came to mind. Some of your set ups look like stills from the programme. I’m also liking your art cafe shots. Would like to see you do a “coffee ad” type shot at the end of the bar next time your there.
    Inspiring as usual.

    • damien

      Thanks Chris Will & Crash, Damien :)


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