Defining a genre, developing a style ~ personal work

Defining a genre, developing a style ~ personal work

October to December 2010 Here is the first stage in my process of defining a picture style of my own. Elements of the pictures here have probably all been shot before but to put them all together has been my quest. I want to shoot beauty without sexuality, beauty with...
A guide to shooting winter weddings in 49 pictures

A guide to shooting winter weddings in 49 pictures

I thought I’d share some of the techniques that Julie and I employ to make winter wedding shooting stress free and very profitable. I’ve taken 49 of the pictures from this seasons shooting winter weddings workshops to discuss and share my thoughts on. In... ~ How to design a website ~ How to design a website

The name. What is in a name? Quite a lot really. A name can be branded to become a very finely tuned image no matter how boring or flamboyant it is. Take John Lewis for instance, we don’t think of a regular kind of guy when we hear that name. We think of the friendly,...
Self publishing an art book the easy way

Self publishing an art book the easy way

This is the final part of the journey from concept to market for my first coffee table book. I shot all the pictures for the book over a four and a half month period in 2010 and they are all of Chloe-Jasmine Whichello. The text is a combination of poems by C-J and...