Cat Woman pictures and the perfect husband

Feb 19, 2012 | Location, News

A cat woman shot from a recent 1:1 training shoot featuring Anita De Bauch

The waitress on the ship said to me ” you never waste a minute do you? You are always writing or reading” I guess she’s right. I thought I was doing nothing, taking it easy, but inadvertently while on a family cruise around the middle east I’ve managed to write an essay on Rembrandt lighting, a review of the Fuji X100, well in fact I wrote two of them a 500 word version for What Digital Camera magazine and a 1500 word version for this blog. I’ve read an autobiography by Michael McIntyre and in doing so I found out what the DNA of a great man should be like. Oops sorry everyone, I’ve failed there then. That man Michael McIntyre is very funny, a perfect husband and I like him a lot. I love his integrity, his cringing honesty and his wit. There you have it – perfection in man does exist and is in the form of Michael McIntyre. If you don’t believe me read his autobiography called of Life and Laughter. Read it anyway, you’ll love it. Oh, and I wrote my last will and testament, I wasn’t feeling particularly morbid but the recent cruise ship disaster of the Costa Concordia must have triggered something in me. I seem to recall even writing an essay on the future of cameras. I often get asked “how do you fit it all in”? All I know is passing time is a fantastic opportunity for your mind to be led (reading) or to lead (writing). Not taking pictures is hard for me but reading and writing beside my family who are also reading or sunbathing fill the void.

I love the fan in this frame. I lit the shot with a bare faced Elinchrom Quadra on a Lovegrove Avenger boom arm.

I was in the Maldives once. Two weeks of paradise. I came home with a 16,000 word book on how to run a business written in the ‘notes’ app on my iPad. How did that happen? I must ‘E’ publish it very soon.

Anita was perfect for this casting. The Cat Woman project is conceived and styled by my client and will run and run for some time yet so expect a few more shots over the coming months. Make up was by Vicki Waghorn.

I have many new sets of pictures and a few essays lined up to publish on here so expect a bit of a flurry this week so please revisit often.


  1. David Cooke

    As a youngster I used to fantasise about catwoman so thanks for the reminder.
    At least when you retire at the age of 100 you can be proud of leading a fulfilled life.

    • damien

      David, Retire? live to 100? Neither are on the cards ;)

  2. Bryan

    two blogs for the price of one! when you work is also your way to relax you will find you are doing your best work.nice piece and some lovely shots, loving the second image, is the fill light from a reflector?

    • damien

      Hi Bryan,

      Thank you. The fill light is from the walls. Light rattles around in small spaces.

      Cheers, Damien.


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