Boudoir on location kept simple ~ pictures and techniques

Mar 16, 2012 | Continuous Lighting, Flash, Location

01. Simple window light given the Lovegrove treatment was all that we used for this shot. Colour harmonies and minimal colour gamut make uncomplicated pictures.

The project: To teach my clients simple lighting for boudoir on location using an Elinchrom Quadra, a Lupo 800 and natural daylight.

My Clients, a young couple with a new studio stayed in the apartment rooms that Blaise, my PA had secured for the shoot. With an excited anticipation we embarked on a creative journey with twists and turns along the way. Here are a few of our pictures.

Our Model: Louise-P from Alpha Agency was styled by Liz the amazingly helpful director from Alpha. It takes commitment to make a great shoot. Liz is a very dedicated and determined asset to any assignment. I’m ever so grateful for the behind the scenes work she puts in to make my shoots a success. Thank you Liz.



04. A major part of my client's brief was to teach them how to direct and pose a client. It's about communication, feelings, sensitivity, fun and rapport. Then comes the clever bit. This frame was lit by the controlled light from one window.

The process of accentuating, enhancing and diminishing a client’s features with pose and lighting is paramount. My aim is to empower photographers to maximise and minimise a client’s attributes as required through clever use of light and shade.

05. I could have removed the door handle in post production but I like a bit of reality in my work. It's personal taste. Lit with an Elinchrom Quadra.

06. Louise enjoying the commanding view from one of the apartments we have at our disposal for training sessions. Location is everything and we have some fab choices.

07. We covered a radiator with a bed throw, and recruited a wooden chest from another room for Louise to sit on. A bit of effort usually pays off in clients homes too. Never be scared to move stuff.

08. The Quadra in subtle soft mode enhanced Louise's fab profile.

09. Cheek bones, jaw lines, neck muscles all contribute to the lighting design.

10. High contrast low-key is popular right now.

11. I've shown enough monochrome images. Colour when handled with care is equally as gorgeous. I've muted the background colours on this blog to let the photographs sing to an uncomplicated tune.

12. Effervescent, radiant beauty bursting with fun needs a high key approach.

13. Applying the principal of bright horizons ads depth to this image.

14. Clarity in eyes is another beauty trait that demands a careful approach to avoid squinting. Louise has a questioning look here. I've forced her pupils a little higher than is ideal. It's best not to show this amount of white beneath the pupils. I still love this shot because it is empowering. Louise in control and her strength is electric.

15. Never rule out a hallway. It's a great location lit with a bare-faced Quadra from the adjacent room.

16. There are times when exciting light presents itself effortlessly. When I was learning about light I could see when great shots could be had but I was rarely able to fulfill the full potential of the opportunity in front of me. Clarity of vision changes everything.

17. My heart was dancing. Heavenly light and an exciting picture opportunity.

18. A change of white balance and the classic cheek triangle give this shot a twist.

My clients left with enough images to create a fabulous show album product plus the knowledge and ability to recreate this shoot in their home town using their Quadra kit and a splash of natural light. Their clients will be queuing up.

My sincere thanks go to Louise for her professional patience throughout the training process and for looking fab.

If you’re looking for some photography training, we are regularly adding a wide range of training courses online.

Please feel free to comment below.




  1. chelsea cronkrite


    Your pictures and videos are amazing! Thank you sharing your knowledge :) Cannot wait to test out what I’ve learned on my first boudoir shoot.

    Wishing you many blessings,

    Chelsea Cronkrite

    • Damien

      Thanks for your kind words Chelsea :)

  2. Peter Teaco

    Beautiful shots and great use of light. I’ve really enjoyed looking at these.

    • damien

      Thank you Peter.

  3. david cooke

    Amazing quality of light in these images it makes them all sing, just love your style, wonderful model too, thanks for sharing Damien it is very much appreciated.

    • damien

      Thank you David.

      I love to use light in a positive way. Sometimes the most effective lighting is the easiest to create but takes knowledge and a bit of courage to make it happen. I just try to avoid ‘playing it safe’. Thank you for your compliments, Damien.

  4. Rich

    Thank you Damien for a fantastic day. We learned so much in just one day, and I’d advise anyone to get themselves booked on a Lovegrove course

    • damien

      Thank you for your endorsement Rich. Enjoy yor photography! Damien.

  5. Eivind Rohne

    Beautiful stuff as allways!


    • damien

      Thank you Elvind :)



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