Stuttgart boudoir studio workshop ~ Pictures

Mar 29, 2012 | Continuous Lighting, Location, Studio

Day 2 of 2 in Stuttgart was a continuous light session. Boudoir photography is big business in Germany and I showed how I craft exciting pictures from just 1 or 2 Lupolux lights or Arris.

01. Tiffany in the Paris room lit with a pair of Lupolux lights. An 800 via a reflector on Tiffany's back and a 1200 through the window to simulate sunlight.

Once again the location for the day was the amazing Park Studio run by Bernhard Frei and Stephan Glathe. Stephan is a master beauty photographer in his own right and I am grateful to him for letting me loose in his hand crafted sets. Here are a few of my pictures. Our model was Tiffany Sachs from Seka Models. It is worth noting that Tiffany is the current miss Germany runner-up and it is not hard to see why.

Make up was by Anika Eisenschmidt of Alba Frei beauty.

02. A window sill was my first location for Tiffany. I took this frame on my Fuji X100.


04. A close up shot directed by one of my accomplished delegates.

Femme Fatale is all about the alluring nature of women. Boudoir, on the other hand tends to have little or no emotion and often relies on anonymity to work well. Put too much emotion or the wrong type of look into the pictures and the whole genre can slip into glamour. I mixed and matched my work a little to suit my delegates.

05. A splash of Lupolux as a keylight.


07. A Lupolux 1200 and my venetian blind kit was used to subtly add to the daylight in the studio.


09. I used a Pair of Lupolux daylight balanced lamps to blend with the tungsten balanced floor lamp in the Miami set.

10. Anika did wonders with Tiffany's hair, It's like a cascade.


12. Simple reflected soft light from behind the camera and a hard back light were used for this beauty shot.




16. A classic Lovegrove beauty shot lit with a Lupolux.

17. The Paris room was in the cellar too. Firing a Lupolux light through net curtains is a great sun simulator.

18. A dappled gobo on my Lupolux 1200 gave this shot the distinct patternation.


20. A crazy mirror and a Lupo made an interesting lighting design.

I have found that in most circumstances the most beautiful and sensual images tend to be the least revealing in terms of clothing. I gauge the moment and select clothes to suit my model or client. The best shots come from the most relaxed and confident moments. Sheer fabrics and implied nude poses make for great pictures.

Stephan has kindly invited me back to Stuttgart to rerun these workshops at his amazing studio facilities. I felt that both models worked well and by the end of each day I’d struck a good rapport with them. I’d be happy to re book either of them and indeed Wlada my other favourite German model. If you would like to be part of these workshops please do contact Blaise my PA for more information. If demand is there, I will return.

Blaise is always open to suggestions so if you have access to a fabulous location and can help arrange a workshop please do get in touch.

Please feel free to comment on these pictures below.


  1. Thorsten

    Das sind mal wieder eindrucksvolle aufnahmen Damien! Fantastic images as always. -Thorsten.

    • damien

      Thanks Thorsten.

  2. Ben Langdon

    These are great Damien. I must look in to this Lupo. Currently shoot mainly natural light and flash where needed. These are great, thanks for sharing. Love 1 and 16 the most.

    • damien

      Hi Ben,

      Thanks for your compliments. The Lupolux Fresnels and now the soft light (Quad) are my new lights of interior inspiration. Outside it is still the Quadra that floats my boat. Natural light is great too :)

      Cheers, Damien.

  3. Chris Hanley

    Lupo love :) Tiffany reminds me of Stina. Beautiful work, love shot 1. Inspired which has given me a new idea for my weddings.

    • damien

      Thanks Chris. I’m excited to be shooting with you again very soon.

      Cheers, D.


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