Fujifilm X-Pro 1 ~ 8000 frame user review

Jul 13, 2012 | News

A real world owner user report on the Fujifilm X-Pro1 by Damien Lovegrove.

01. The Fujifilm X-Pro1 with the three lenses available at launch.

I’ve got an open mind when it comes to photography. I’ve been looking to replace my ageing Canon 5Dmk2 for sometime as I never use many of the attributes of SLR shooting like fast focus tracking in sport photography or extreme telephoto work for nature photography so I decided to give the little Fujifilm X-Pro 1 a go. I paid about £3000 for the camera and it’s three lenses and this was a private not business purchase. This is what I discovered..

There is a lot of conflicting information online about the Fuji X-Pro1. It is certainly not a camera for everyone. I’d go as far to say it is probably only suited to about 1% of photographers but those photographers will cherish the little marvel and defend it to the ends of the Earth. You have to know what you are doing and adjust your shooting technique in order to get the best from the X-Pro1. Having said that I owned a Zorki 4 and a Practica TL in the 1970s and I learned how to set aperture, ISO and shutter speed just like every other photography student. Invest the time to learn the characteristics of the lenses, the best way to achieve focus lock and the Fuji X-Pro1 will reward you with beautifully detailed imagery.

In this review I ‘say it as I find it’ from a photographers perspective. I’m not on the Fuji payroll, I’ve not been gifted the camera and I have no axes to grind either. Photography is my hobby, my work and my life. I’ve been lucky enough to be a professional image maker in some sort of guise since I was 19 way back in 1983:) I’ve shot film for more years than digital but I’ve embraced new technology as it has been developed.

Note: All the pictures in this feature were taken hand held. Apart from the BBC pictures that were shot jpeg and processed in Photoshop CS4 the rest of the files were shot in RAW and processed in Lightroom 4.1 without any further work in Photoshop.

My first commercial job after my X-Pro1 arrived was to capture broadcasters at work at the BBC. It was soon apparent that the Fuji in camera jpegs at ISO 1600 were better than my Canon 5Dmk2 files at that ISO so I shot the three day job on the Fuji. 18mm lens ISO 1600, 1/40th second at f/2.8

Question 1: Is the Fuji X-Pro1 a full frame DSLR beater? 

Answer: Not quite, the Fuji X-Pro1’s smaller sensor size is definitely a compromise no matter how novel the new pixel layout is. In my opinion the APSC size sensor fails to make up any useable resolution as was suggested by not having the anti aliasing filter. I’d say the image quality of the X-Pro1 probably equals the latest and best APSC DSLR cameras like the Canon 7D or the Nikon D7000. It also equals or slightly out performs older full frame models like my Canon 5DMK2 at higher ISO settings. I must admit I was expecting more from the camera given the hype over the novel sensor design but the fact is there are some odd colour bleed artifacts that smudge certain details at pixel peeping level when processed from RAW using Adobe Lightroom 4.1. The artifacts are still there but to a lesser extent in the jpegs produced in camera. However, despite these pixel level shortcomings the images from the X- Pro1 are stunning and make gorgeous prints. The control over highlight and shadow detail that RAW working delivers more than makes up for a minor colour bleed issue generated by algorithm of the Adobe file conversion. I’m sure over time that the RAW conversion process will improve but for now I’m happy to shoot and process RAW.

As above but ISO 1600, 1/250th second at f/2.8

Question 2: What is the camera like to use?

Answer: It takes time to learn how to use the Fujifilm X-Pro1 well. Like it’s little brother the X100, this camera encourages you to rethink every aspect of your shooting technique. From using Auto ISO or composing with the true live view screen, to exploring new methods of focussing, the X-Pro1 camera opens up new opportunities and has a few failings too. On the plus side it is super conspicuous. On my 3000 mile road trip in America I never stood out as a photographer. I blended into the role of tourist or regular member of the general public and this gave me far more freedom and access than if I had an SLR around my neck. Now that I’m 8000 pictures in, I’m familiar with the camera and lenses and am happy to use it on assignment.

Chicago at dusk. 18mm lens, ISO 250, 1/60th second, f/2.8

Question 3: How does the camera feel to hold?

Answer: When I first held the X-Pro1 kit at Focus on Imaging way back in March it felt unexpectedly light, especially the lenses. Having lived with the camera for a few months I’ve become very used to the way it feels and now my Canon 5D MK2 seems unnecessarily heavy and cumbersome.

The camera fits my hands well and is an absolute joy to use. It’s not pretty like the X100 but it is ergonomic and begs to be picked up. The sensor is a doddle to clean too as it is right there and not buried in the back of a mirror box behind a shutter.

Chicago CTA on the ‘Loop’. ISO 1250, 1/3000th second wide open at f/2

Question 4: Is the focussing as bad as people on the forums make out?

Answer: Manual focus is all but useless unless you use zone focussing. The focus by wire function of the Fujifilm lenses just doesn’t work. Using auto focus via the AF button with the camera in manual focus mode works fine for some photographers. I prefer to use full auto focus and I love it. It works well now I am practiced and fully understand how it functions. The X-Pro1 focussing hardly ever let’s me down. I don’t mind the moment the X-Pro1 lenses take to lock onto focus because I know that when it does it will be spot on. It’s not prone to the back focus issues that most SLRs suffer from. When I review pictures in Lightroom I’m not having to zoom into 100% to check if the shot is sharp because it just is. This alone gives me an added confidence when using this camera. I reviewed a bit of fly on the wall video taken a year or so ago of me shooting a portrait with my Canon 5Dmk2 and I’d say I spend just as long ensuring the focus is spot on with an SLR than I currently do with the X-Pro1. I use the focus reframe method and the camera nails it nearly every time.

A waitress portrait in a Karaoke bar. 35mm lens, ISO 2000, 1/50th second at f/1.4

Question 5: Are the lenses up to scratch?

Answer: Yes, they are great. In my experience the 60mm is the sharpest of the three followed closely by the 35mm. The 18mm lens isn’t amazing in the corners but it’s fine in the greater central area from wide open. As I mainly shoot portraits at wide apertures I’m less concerned about edge performance than perhaps a landscape photographer might be. Generally the lenses all perform very well indeed. I’ve seen examples of soft images posted online but in most circumstances the errors can be attributed to poor shooting technique. There is no image stabiliser in the camera body or in any of the current crop of dedicated lenses so you can’t expect to shoot at low shutter speeds without some form of camera support. Because the resolution of this camera is so great even the slightest camera movement shows up. At the moment the base shutter speeds selected by Fuji when using auto ISO are not high enough to freeze the shot. I have no doubt that this will be addressed in a future firmware update.

An abandoned cafe on the famous Route 66. I love the subtle tones in the shadows that the Fuji delivers. 18mm lens, ISO 400, 1/100th Second at f/2.8

 Camera support: For interior and low light work I use a Gitzo 3 series, 5 section carbon fibre monopod to support my camera. I have a Really Right Stuff (RRS) ball and socket head with a quick release lever on top of that. I have the RRS dedicated L plate for my Canon 5Dmk2 and now I have one on preorder for the Fujifilm X-Pro1 too.

The finest of detail in the grass is handled beautifully by the Fujifilm X-Pro1. The colour rendition is spot on too. 35mm lens, ISO 200, 1/120th second at f/8

It’s easy to chop and change lenses to suit the shot without a second thought about a significant change in image quality. For my landscapes and general views without specific depth of field considerations I’ve been using f/5.6 to f/8 with the 18mm and 35mm lenses to achieve an optimum clarity and corner sharpness. For my portraits with the 60mm I’ve been shooting wide open at f/2.4. Out in sun or bright conditions I use a two stop neutral density or a polarising filter to keep the shutter speed within the maximum 1/4000th of a second. When I’m using flash outside and I want to shoot at f/2.4 I use a 4 or 5 stop ND filter because the flash sync speed is just 1/180th second. I usually set 1/125th of a second as it is the closest on the shutter speed dial that for some strange reason lacks an ‘X’ position. I expect in some firmware update we will get the option to reprogram the ‘T’ setting to become an ‘X’ setting.

The sunlight in New Mexico destroys the paint on old cars but the steel survives in this dry environment. 35mm lens, ISO 200, 1/750th second at f/4

Question 6: What’s missing on the X-Pro1 that a firmware update can’t fix?

 Answer: An adjustable dioptre for the viewfinder. The X-Pro1 has a facility for screw in glass dioptres like Nikon film cameras back in the day. Fortunately a ready supply of the correct size and most values are still available. Incidentally the viewfinder has a focus setting of 1m so if like me you have no problem looking at objects 1m away you will be fine without correction.

A contre jour street scene at dusk like this will challenge any lens. 18mm lens, ISO 400, 1/240th second at f/5

Question 7: What accessories are worth buying?

Answer: A few neutral density filters, a couple of spare batteries and a bag should do the trick. If you’ve been using an SLR and you treat yourself to a Fuji X-Pro1 get a new camera bag too. The Fuji and lenses are way smaller than an SLR kit and need very little bag space as a result. A smaller bag will keep the weight down and you can then get to enjoy one of the key benefits of Fuji X-Pro1 ownership. I took the compact Think Tank Retrospective 5 bag with me across the USA and it was a perfect size for the Fuji and it’s three lenses. For day to day shooting and workshops I use the slightly roomier Think Tank Retrospective 7 bag as I want to carry my iPad and a Speedlight too when I’m out on location.

Signs old and new vie for attention for the Route 66 motorist. 60mm lens, ISO 800, 1/300th second at f/2.8

Question 8: Will I keep and use the X-Pro1?

Answer: Yes, I am using the X-Pro1 for my workshops, on client commissions and for personal portrait projects. I plan to keep my Nikon D700 and Canon 5D mk2 cameras for 1:1 training and I’ll use the Canon with its 22Mp full frame sensor for shooting stock.

This view of the Grand Canyon from the South rim is sharp from front to back and corner to corner. 60mm lens, ISO 200, 1/3200th second at f/3.6

The X-Pro1 is a camera that I believe is best suited for street, travel and portrait photography. It’s not at home in a flash lit studio and it’s not fast enough for any sort of action photography. It’s definitely a niche camera and one I will love using on a daily basis.

This my first shoot with Elle Richie and it won’t be our last. Elle has a radiant beauty and is easy to build rapport with. I always want to have a connection in my work if I can get it. ISO 800, 1/125th second, 60mm lens at  f/2.8

Compact, lightweight, unobtrusive
Good prime lenses super sharp from wide open
Excellent build quality of the camera and lenses
Great hybrid viewfinder and real live view screen

Some minor artifacts when processing RAW files
Slow flash sync speed
Still needs a firmware update to realise the cameras potential
High price

A touch of magic lighting was needed for this timeless beauty portrait of Elle Richie. 60mm lens, ISO 1250, 1/160th second at f/2.8

And finally: Top photographers and artists throughout the world have already created a vast collection of astonishing X-Pro1 images and I’m sure this is a camera system that will continue to inspire creatives for many years to come. There will always be those people who don’t warm to the idiosyncrasies of the X-Pro1 and they’d usually be better off with an SLR. I feel inspired when I’m using the X-Pro1 and as photography is my livelihood that itself is worth the hefty price tag.

A variation of this review has appeared in What Digital Camera magazine. It’s the UK’s leading magazine dedicated to photography gear.

Please feel free to add your positive experiences with the Fuji X-Pro1.

NEWS: If you’ve just migrated to the Fuji X system or would like some vital tuition on how to best set up your Fuji X system camera, take a look at my Fuji X training days here



  1. uri


    i use the d800e

    i dont like the large files it creates and i only use raw because the jpeg are not good for me.
    on top of that i dont like the weight of it .

    does the pro 1 give close results to the d800e ?

    is there any comparison between the d800e to the pro 1 ?

    thank you

    • Damien

      Hi Uri,

      Try the DF. It has great pictures, is lightweight and works with all your lenses. The X-Pro1 is not in anyway similar to the D800. It’s like comparing a Range Rover and a Mini.

      Don’t let me put you off getting an X-Pro1 or X-E2 they are fabulous but so very different to the D800.

      Kind regards,


  2. Helen

    Hi Damien, On the EX-1 you can increase or decrease the size of the focus box. I don’t know if they have this on the x-pro 1 but what is the point of it? What do you generally choose for portraits? I can only think maybe have it largest for landscapes and when you want to pin point focus on someones eye have it smallest. If you choose to have the box large when shooting at f2 say, do you think it’s just a random spot within the big box thats sharp?

    Thank you in advance for your advice.


    • damien

      Hi Helen,

      By decreasing the size of the focus box you can be more accurate with your focussing. The focus is less likely to jump to the background etc. I use the smallest rectangle and I scoot it around to the zone I need. This takes a moment but my pictures are crisp.

      Kind regards, Damien.

  3. Jae

    Tank for sharing your experience!
    I shot a wedding last weekend in France, and it was the very first time I got fuji x-pro 1 involved in my professional job. I pull out 250 photos 60% shot with x pro 1. Very happy with the result, WHAT A CAMERA!!!!
    A few things should mention : lack of minimum shutter speed under auto-iso mode. It alway give some bizzard shutter speed such as 1/52 s….
    Lack of copyright or author information input function, I always use them on my nikons.

    CAUTION!!! The first layer glass of the view finder in front of the camera is very fragile, mine cracked after it’s tiny impact against the seat belt buckle.


  4. Jonatan

    Simply the best xpro1 review i’ve ever read, as simple as that.


  5. Meli

    Thank you both. That’s surprising, thought the x-e1 may be more popular, or the imminent x100s. Am saving up… !

    I’d like the 35mm, so how about the 14mm & 35mm vs the zoom? Look forward to seeing results of Film Noir!

    • damien

      Hi Meli,

      The 14 & 35 are not comparable to the zoom. The choices are the 18 & 35 or the zoom. I have the 14, zoom and 35mm. The 14mm is so much wider it stands alone. I’ll sell my 60mm at some point soon ahead of the 56mm arrival. Film Noir pics are amazing. Chloe-Jasmine is a super star.

      Best regards,


  6. Barry Gardner

    Meli – I have the XP1, 35mm f1.4 and the 18-55mm zoom. I am more than happy with this combo and can thoroughly recommend it. I heard some detrimental reports about the X-E1 and having difficulty seeing the subject on the LCD screen and the EVF in bright sunlight. Having also had the X100 I much prefer having the ability to change lenses and the 18-55 zoom is amazing!

    • damien

      Hi Barry,

      Thanks for your top answer.

      Kindest regards,


  7. Meli

    I still cannot decide between x-e1 vs xpro vs new x100s…. and then if the former, the primes vs new zoom. Too much choice.

    • damien

      Hi Meli,

      Barry has given you the best answer. I have the X-Pro1. I started with the 18, 35 and 60 then when the zoom came out I bought it and sold the 18mm because the zoom was better at 18mm than the pancake prime. When the 56 f/1.4 comes out in a few months time I’ll probably get it and sell the 60. I have the 14 too. I’ve not used the 35mm much lately but this week it should come into it’s own as I shoot ‘Film Noir’. Exciting times :) Damien.

  8. Steven

    Moving up from a 600d + 24-105L and 50mm 1.4.
    Enjoying a mix of regular street, arcatetual, pet, low light and all sorts of travel photography I have many different situations placed infront of my lens.
    Would I be better to move to the lighter, more descreat fuji system that is easy to have on me at all times with all available lenses but limiting with AF speed. Or stick with the canon system and step up to a 5d mkiii with another lense (70-200mmL is f4) that is definatly going to be more versatile but heavy and possibly more intrusive.
    Let me know what you think.

    Great review by the way :)

    • damien

      Hi Steven,

      I think the EX-1 with zoom and the 14mm lens is the perfect travel kit because you will have it with you everywhere. Some people say the 35mm f/1.4 lens is perfect for low light interior shots. The 5D3 and 70-200 is a monster combo and not ideal for travel.

      Thanks for your kind words,


  9. Loran

    I bought the Fuji X PRO 1 while some friends suggested it was a mistake to invest so much into this X system however taking it slowly I am getting through the weird parts of understanding this camera. QUESTION. You did mention manual focus should be forgotten. I want to plant the 75 MM Summarit Leica on this body and of course it means manual focus. What I have seen in imagery however is fabulous and inspiring. Any thoughts on the use of an off lense since Fuji has yet to release the continuing set of lenses it proposes.

    • damien

      Hi Loran,

      The Fuji is not a mistake and it will be fine with the 75mm Summarit. It’s worth investing in the Fuji m mount or so I’m told. The manual focus of the Fuji lenses is by wire and not that responsive. The Leica glass is designed for MF and will give you no problems at all. Since the release of the camera several firmware revisions have been made and now the functionality of MF is greatly improved. There is now a 3x digital zoom to fine tweak focus etc. Enjoy your camera and stay inspired.

      Kindest regards,


  10. Willie

    Great review Damien,

    I really like this camera and hope it will inspire me also. I always find it inspiring to go back to my film cameras, but then I get quickly uninspired as soon as I have to wait for developing!!! I think this camera may give me that same feel without the hassle of developing film. I REALLY love the lighting of that last portrait shot. Can you please explain your lighting. I would love to create something like that. It is so 40’s-50’s Hollywood Glamour! I love that look.

    • damien

      Hi Willie,

      Thanks for the picture compliments. I use Fresnel spotlights just like they did in the movies back in the 40’s and 50’s plus I add a bit of Lovegrove sparkle. I share my techniques with my delegates and those kind folks that buy my video downloads. The lights are from Lupolux.

      Kind regards, Damien.

  11. Meli

    I tried the X-Pro 1 in store and couldn’t focus on anything with the EVF after numerous attempts. I could with the OVF. I would clearly need to spend a lot longer trying it out, but that’s made me a little nervous about the XE1. I need for music and gigs too so not sure trading in 7d is a good idea… perhaps a 5dii instead of 7D and a X-Pro or XE1 are a good combo to allow for studio portraits/gigs and travel stock too, although would like to just have a smaller kit ideally :)

    • damien

      Hi Meli,

      I’d strongly advise against a 5D2. It has the same shocking focussing engine as the original 5D that came out way back in 2005! The camera can produce stunning 22mp full frame images like the 5Dmk3 but the mk3 has fabulous focusing. I’m holding out for the 3D or whatever it will be called to replace my 5D2.

      Kind regards,


  12. Peter Redhead

    Thanks for putting together your experiences with the Xpro1. I have been researching this camera for some time now and have just placed my order. It had been really useful to hear how a professional photographer from a totally different background uses this camera, and to help understand its nuances, highlights and limitations from real world applications. I am a documentary wedding photographer and have always tried to slim down my kit and speed up my ability to move around causing the least attention. I recently met with Kevin Mullins, who like yourself has used the xPro1 and x100 from launch. I am pleased to say that with your views and his advice I am now extremely excited about entering a new chapter in my professional career. Once I have learnt the camera and lenses, I’ll let you know how I get on. All the best for now.

    • damien

      Hi Peter,

      Thank you for your kind words. I hope you become at one with your X-Pro1. My work with the camera is far slower and more considered than that needed for capturing moments as they happen. Kevin is the main man for wedding capture with the X series. His advice matters.

      Kindest regards, Damien.

  13. Meli

    Aaaah thanks Damien. I can’t decide between all 3 to be honest. The XPro was tempting me with the free lens offer and OVF – I really can’t image not having an OVF). Stock wise, maybe it’s ok for some libraries as they seem to take 7d images ok. I’ll re look at the XE1 though.

    • damien

      Hi Meli,

      I thought I wanted OVF and I never use it. XE1 with the zoom and the upcoming 14mm prime would be my choice if I was you. XE1 blows 7D out of the water in terms of IQ.

      Cheers, Damien.

  14. damien

    Hi Johan,

    Indeed but even 1/160th is not sticky. It resets on me half way through a studio shoot etc. Full frame Sony is a bit too pricey at the moment but might be worth a look soon ;)

    Cheers, Damien.

  15. Johan

    By using the left and right buttons next to the screen you can set the shutterspeed to 1/160 but not to 1/180 :-(

  16. Meli

    I’m so glad I found this blog :) The shots from the ruins in Spain blew me away. Out of interest why is the X-pro1 not as good for stock? and how come the X100 is better in some ways? I travel a fair bit and get sick of lugging around a DSLR (7D) and a few lenses so have been weighing this up vs moving up to full frame (5D I or II). I’m returning to South America in the new year and apart from the weight issue, wandering around with a dlsr does mean I avoid shooting sometimes.

    • damien

      Hi Mell,

      Thanks for your kind words. The X-pro1 is only 16mp and my stock library wants 21mp without interpolation because it fills a double page spread in magozines. I used to shoot Phase One but the Canon 5Dmk 2 is okay too. The X100 auto ISO is amazing and the X-Pro1 isn’t because there is no min shutter speed function. The X100 can flash sync at 1/4000th and the X-Pro1 is stuck at 1/125th. Apparently it should be 1/180th but there is no way to set 1/180th because they forgot to add an X setting to the shutter speed dial. Get an XE1 best of both worlds :).

      Cheers, Damien.

  17. TC

    Damien: Thanks for the reply about my question on usage for landscape.

    Ignoring lens choice for now, would you think it’s as suitable for landscape work as a standard DSLR, like a Nikon D7000?

    • damien

      Hi TC,

      When the Carl Zeiss 12mm prime and the Fuji 14mm prime lenses are in the mix the X-Pro1 will be a spectacular camera for landscape photography. Until then I’d say is an okay camera for Landscapes. The 18mm lens is okay but it is too compact for absolute resolution. The 14mm and 12mm lenses will be no compromise optics. It’s the lens that makes the image, the camera just records it.

      Kindest regards,


  18. James Lee


    Great in-depth article!

    Question: What is your percentage of use between the electronic and optical viewfinder mode?


    • damien

      Hi James, I use the LCD screen about 60% of the time and I use the electronic viewfinder the rest of the time. I like to compose with exactly what I’m shooting. I like the viewfinder playback set to 1.5 seconds too so I can see blinks etc without having to take my eye from the viewfinder. In bright daylight the rear screen, like on other cameras becomes useless unless you use a Hoodman Loupe.

      Kind regards,


    • damien

      Hi James, I never use the optical viewfinder. The Ex-1 would be an ideal camera for me but I’m sticking with my X-Pro1 for now. I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,


  19. Kevin Moore


    Thanks for the thoughtful and stimulating piece. If as it sounds this inert object has become and extension of you and so you feel creative then we should all take note.
    As a toe dipping exercise would the X100 be a starting point or is it way to different?

    • damien

      Hi Kevin,

      The X100 is more than a toe dipping exercise. In many ways it is a better camera than the X-Pro1. Get the X100 and learn to ‘see’ the 35mm equivalent view exclusively. Once you get beyond that stage you will never look back.

      Best regards, Damien.

  20. Greg

    Great essay Damien. I’ve been using a little camera in the form of the panasonic gx1 for a while now, would be interested to hear your thoughts about that and how that compares with the gx1, thanks for sharing

    • damien

      Hi Greg, I’ve never used the GX1. I went for the Fuji because of the APSC sensor size. I wouldn’t want to go smaller for my main camera system. I’ve read good things about the gx1 though. Regards, Damien

  21. TC

    Thanks for the great balanced review.

    I’m wondering How this camera fares for landscape photography. I don’t shoot action/sports and only shoot travel and landscapes (many of which are HDR). I’d love to consolidate my kit and eliminate my X100 and Nikon D7000.

    • damien

      Hi TC,

      The limiting factor for landscape work with the X-Pro1 is the lens choice. Within the next couple of months the 14mm lens will be out and as it’s not a compromised pancake type optic so it should be amazing.

      I hope this helps. Damien.

  22. Barry Gardner

    Hi Damien

    When shooting B&W do you use any of the built-in filters or straight B&W?

    PS. Stuart Scho….. is green with envy that I’ve got one and!!!

    • damien

      Hi Barry, I shoot with BWg but invariably I use the RAW file for my final image making and I just use the Auto BW convention in Lightroom. Enjoy your X-Pro1 :)

  23. damien

    Hi Johan,

    Thank you for that good tip re focussing. I have shot the X-Pro1 in my studio but when using flash with constant Moddeling light my Canon 5Dmk2 or my Nikon D700 are way better at focussing and easier to use. And it is for that reason I can’t reccomend the X-Pro1 as a studio camera. Yes I agree it can be done with MF etc but most togs I know still use AF in the studio. Thanks for your comments, warmest regards, Damien

  24. damien

    Hi David ( comment 17), Thank you for your kind words about the review. I agree with the great at some things and useless at others. I suppose if the X-Pro1 were a car it would be Lotus Elise. Great on the track and mountain roads but rubbish as a shopping car.

    Best regards,


  25. David

    A great review and some really great captures. I am using it as my out and about kit and generally only touch my 5D for action. As you say let’s hope future firmware updates will bring even more.

    • damien

      Thanks David, We all have fingered crossed for the next firmware update. When the two new lenses are released in the next couple of months they will need to offer more auto ISO adjustment parameters at least because of the OIS etc.

  26. Johan

    I have seen some good examples of the x-pro used in a studio. One way to do it is to use model light (flash emits constant low light) where you prefocus in manual mode and shoot after that. If the DOF isn’t too shallow and the person isn’t moving back and forth, you don’t have to adjust the focus all the time. It focuses quite well under low light, at least when there is contrast.

  27. David

    Great review. Very well balanced, and you were realistic about the pros and cons. Some reviews sing WAY too much praise for such an expensive camera with so many annoying quirks. But other reviews are too critical of a great camera. I think you got the right balance. The X-Pro 1 is great for a lot of things, but useless for others.

    I have the X100 and came to similar conclusions. It does some thing VERY well, but it’s completely hopeless for others. I think it’s a good backup for a dSLR, but definitely not a replacement for one if you need to focus quickly, shoot in bursts, or shoot in a studio.

  28. Rob Klein

    A note to Johan:
    Yes, you can disable image preview, BUT that does not work when you are bracketing. The camera displays the three images momentarily in the viewfinder and thus obscures your view. I have tried to disable it, but without success. If you have another trick that I missed, let me know. robk47@gmail.com

  29. Johan

    Good review. I do have to ask you why studio work isn’t suitable for the camera. As a rookie I got the opportunity to shoot with it in a studio and it was fine. Is it only because of the sync-speed? And a comment to Rob, the image preview can be disabled. By standard it is 1.5 sec.


    • damien

      Hi Johan,

      Thanks, If like me you are in the dark ages in a studio with 150w & 200w modelling bulbs (Elinchrom) you will know that the focus hunting is a pain that can be avoided with a more sensitive phase detect SLR. Yes, I use the Fuji in the studio but only when shooting with continuous light.

      Cheers, Damien.

  30. Marcus

    I agree with every word.

    Just replaced my 5dmkii with this kit. Just awesome!

    • damien

      Nice one Marcus :)

  31. Sean Shimmel


    As always, such alchemy in your thinking… of the scientist and the artist.

    PS… I’m cooling off here at my laptop after hiking all day at the South rim Angel trail. As you put your Fujifilm to work, so too did I with the D800.


    • damien

      Now the D800, thats another camera entirely.

      Thanks Sean for your continued support and encouragement. Your wordsmithing leaves mine in the shade. I hope we can get together soon.

      Kindest regards and respect, Damien.

  32. Matt Foden

    A great review- I love the colours you’re getting- I used to have the Fuji S5 and remember how amazing the fuji colours were!

  33. Jonathan Knights

    Great review Damien.
    Balance is a thing not easily achieved but you have it.


    • damien

      Hi Jonathan,

      Thank you :)

  34. Ed Fielding

    Very good review from a pro who has used the camera to take stunning images :-)

  35. Rob Klein

    This is an informative and fair review of a camera that personally love using. I dumped one of my Canon 7D’s for it and while I only have the 18 and 35, I do have an adapter (not the Fuji) for using Leica M lenses and have played with them a bit. Yes, the camera has little quirks that could be annoying, but the quality of the image more than counteracts those. I have used it a bit with some action sports (track) and while I would not recommend it for sports, it held its own and did what I wanted it to do. I also use the focus/reframe method and I think that works well. The latest firmware, allegedly for the M-mount, I think has improved the focus speed at least slightly. I am excited to use the new lenses and am mostly curious about the 18-55 zoom.
    My complaints, well, I am not a fan of the fact that when you bracket that after you shoot the images momentarily appear in the viewfinder and prevent you from taking the next shot. I also find that the firmware upgrades negate all of the settings and that is somewhat of a pain, but again, I love what the camera does and it is light and less likely to evoke the kind of reaction that a fat DSLR does when I am out in public. Of course, several pro photographers have told me that they would NEVER buy one for use where a client might see it as they say that it does not look PROFESSIONAL enough and that a client or prospective client might not see the photographer who uses one as being “professional”. Of course, the image quality kills that argument, but I see their concerns. Personally, I don’t have those kind of clients as I use the camera mostly for photojournalism and my personal work. I totally love it for concert work and rely on it when I shoot from the pit. For soundboard stuff, I have to go back to the 7D and the long glass. Right now, my concert kit for pit shoots consists of the X-Pro 1 and the X10. Finally, the rubber lens caps that cover the cool lens hoods on the 18 and 35 are caps waiting to get lost. I have lost two and while Fuji generously gave me one gratis, I find them to be just horrible. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, which I always enjoy reading and learn a trick or two along the way.

    • damien

      Hi Rob,

      Thanks for taking the time to add extensively to my review. We all have different ways of shooting and it is exciting to see so many adaptaions of one camera being used in so many ways.

      Kind regards, Damien.

  36. Chris Sharps

    Great and insightful post Damien. I speak for a lot of people i imagine when i say i really appreciate your unbiased and honest reviews of kit. It’s nice to see someone speak up the pro’s and con’s of a system and only deliver these once they have put some serious time in with it.

    It’s a camera that really interests me and i can see one will join my kit at some point. For now i am still in awe of what my 5D3 is producing with the L primes and i don’t have the kind of work that would make an X-Pro1 kit a sensible purchase.

    Keep the blog posts coming, they are always a fantastic read!

    Have a great weekend.


    • damien

      Hi Chris,

      Thanks for the compliments. I would dearly love a 5D3 but I don’t need a 5D3. One day though Canon might produce a D800 equivelent. I’d get one of those but until then my 5D2 will do me fine.

      Best regards, Damien.

  37. Kevin

    Lovely summary Damien. You are right of course – people who are willing to invest some time in this system will soon realise quite how wonderful it is.

    • damien

      Thanks Kevin,

      It is an artists tool and a great one at that. That is why your X-Pro1 images are so sublime.

      Best regards,




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