by Damien | Oct 12, 2012 | Flash, Location
Every year I run a few spectacular workshops abroad somewhere in the sun and always at visually inspiring locations. This year it was the turn of southern Spain and the area around Cartegena. We ran a similar workshop in 2011 and centered that event around an...
by Damien | Oct 8, 2012 | Continuous Lighting, Location
I decided to share far more pictures than normal with this set. More shots mean a weaker selection but I thought it worthwhile sharing my evolution to some of the images plus my choices and the reasons why I chose them. So I apologise if you are on a slow connection...
by Damien | Oct 6, 2012 | Continuous Lighting, Flash, Studio
Every now and then I come across a character asking to be set free and that’s just what we did on this studio lighting workshop. Rohini from Gingersnap model agency is utterly gorgeous and fizzing with verve. I run my one day studio lighting workshops with just...
by Damien | Oct 5, 2012 | Continuous Lighting, Location
There is no better way for me to get the creative juices flowing than by shooting in a new unfamiliar location with an unfamiliar model and sharing the experience with a friend. Martin Hill and I decided to set up this impromptu creative shoot. Martin booked Berkeley...