It may not be the prettiest bit of kit you will own but it has the power to change the way you shoot.
The Lovegrove inverters have been extensively tested and are now shipping in quantity. This amazing unit has been thoroughly tested in arduous conditions including woodland in the rain, wet caves in Wales and frosty parkland. I don’t recommend you use them in the rain but I had to ‘see what would happen’. I’ve not managed to destroy any of my test units and so they finally pass with flying colours. These inverters are pure sine wave and not the cheaper modified sine wave type. Pure is best when it comes to driving LED and HMI lighting. Although the manufacturer of the cells rates them at 27.6Ah we have tested them extensively and have regularly achieved over 33Ah. The price and full specification is here.
Please feel free to comment below if you are one of the early adopters of these units or you have any questions about suitability for a particular application.
Hi Dave,
Sorry I have no reccomendations for flash heads. The only packs I know of are the ProPhoto ones and they cost a fortune, weigh a ton and don’t last long. You are far better off getting a dedicated battery flash kit like the Elinchrom Quadra (400Ws) or Elinchrom Ranger (1100Ws) that you are trying to adapt a mains unit to battery.
Best regards,
Have you got anything for the Lupo 1200?
Hi Darren, Unfortunately the Lupo 1200 has a 250w HMI bulb and a control circuit that uses 60w. The resulting load cuts the inverter out after just a few minutes. It resets itself but it is not a good idea to try and use the 1200 with this inverter. We are looking at the posibility of introducing a 400w, 4 cell version but that is some time off at the moment.
Kind regards,
They worked very well at our own wedding in a Welsh cave, a testing environment for equipment and photographer alike! A big thank you to Damien & Julie for your amazing pictures.
This is a very useful piece of kit and gives photographers the freedom to rethink how and where we use continuous light.
Haha, thanks Jeremy. We must catch up soon. I loved the card by the way :) Cheers, Damien.
Any recommendations for flash heads?