Earlier this week I ran three seminars of three hours each entitled from Concept To Print. Many years ago, way back in the dying years of the last century, a photographer called Stu Williamson wrote a book with the same title and I borrowed it for this three hour workshop.
My aim was to share the simplicity of creating beautiful images using continuous lighting and a 6ft stretch of hotel wall. I used just one hard light for the bulk of my shooting demonstration and went onto a multi light set up as the session evolved. After the shoot I downloaded the images into Lightroom and tweaked them prior to printing on my aged and slow ink jet printer. Here are a few of the images I shot….
The light was created using Lupolux 1000, Lupolux 650 and Lupolux Quad fixtures. I used a Scattergel™ a potted plant and a Venetian blind at various stages of the demonstration. I had a live audience of between 30 and 50 people for each session. The event was kindly supported by The Guild, InFocus insurance, South West Photo Mounts and Hahnemuhle paper. My model was Carla Monaco and my camera/ lens combination was the Fujifilm X-Pro1 with the 35mm f/1.4 lens. I had a Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1/4 filter fitted to give the images a filmic look.
The event was supposed to be a one off hence running it in Stoke on Trent right in the middle of the country but it was such a resounding success I’m going to run at least four more events of it’s kind. The plan is to run the Concept To Print events in Glasgow, Newcastle, Winchester, St Albans and Taunton. Please register your interest in these events with Blaise or Laura by phoning 01275 853204 or emailing them here.
Feel free to comment on these shots or the event if you were able to attend. Kind regards and thanks to you all, Damien.
What a great way to spend 3 hours of your time and a total bargain ! .. Simply great information and delivered in such a fun and informal way .. your sense of humour always makes me giggle Damien. Delivered with the usual professional skill … Learned loads as always. Highly Recommended .. Now re-doing my christmas list !!
Thanks Julie :)
Hi, I love the way even your headshots are so varied Damien. I find I get stuck for ideas and they end up looking very samey. How much of the filmic look do you think is down to the filter and how much to your post work? I’m tempted to buy one. Have you bought Fuji’s equivalent 35mm lens yet? Enjoying it? Thank you for continueing to inspire. Helen.
Hi Helen,
My headshot variants are down to differences of technique, lighting, camera angle and pose. Filters are the final 3% of the look and not a creator of variety. I shoot in all locations under various lighting scenarios. I always shoot head shots at each of my portrait sessions and weddings so it’s not surprising that they are very different. I suggest you shoot a head shot in each room of your house to see how variety of light and background can be created then change the viewpoint to above and below. try over the shoulder looks and change the poses. I live for variety and keeps my creative mind stimulated.
I have the 23mm f/1.4 lens and I shot with it last night for the first time. It is very well made and a top performer. Only time will tell if I get very fond of it. It has a hard act to follow with the X100. I’m shooting it on the Fujifilm XE2 at the moment. This is a steep learning cure. Expect pictures and words on here soon.
Kindest regards,
Very informative morning, returned to the studio with Scattergel in hand ready for my shoots today,,,,,
Thanks Mark. I hope your shoots were a success :)
Hi Damien
Just to reiterate that this was a superbly inspirational presentation. People should grab the opportunity to book onto your next ones.
I hope you don’t mind, I’ve added a blog post about it onto my site.
Best regards
Wow, thanks Paul :)
You are a star. Thanks Paul :)
Great images .. Great presentation .. Great company!!
This was photography and fun combined –
Look forward to supporting Damien at the new events on behalf of The Guild Of Photographers!!
Thanks Steve. Let’s make it happen :)