I shot this set of 60 pictures using my Fujifilm X-T1 as a Leica Monochrom but of course I was shooting faster because I had the Fuji’s excellent autofocus plus the tilting screen of the Fuji meant I got shots I could never have taken on a Leica.
I set the X-T1 to RAW + Jpeg and my film simulation to ‘B g’ which is the Fuji monochrome setting with a green filter. Enjoy
This was probably the most refined shoot I’ve had so far in 2014. This was a boudoir workshop set up by Blaise and Laura in The Hague in Holland. I’ve never been to ‘Den Haag’ so this was a perfect opportunity to go. We shot in my hotel room, number 1915. It is a top floor split level suite in the fabulous NH Den Haag hotel. Rosalinde is a quintessential professional model to shoot with and has the patience of an angel. It is worth noting that in some of these pictures Rosalinde is wearing no make up and I haven’t retouched her skin in any of these shots. I like real, not fake. These shots have not been near Photoshop, they’ve just been whizzed through Lightroom in my usual manner. See this video for more information about how I use Lightroom 5.
Model: Rosalinde Kikstra
Make up: Rosalinde Kikstra
Lighting: Lupolux LED 1000 Spotlight with Scattergels, Lupolux Quadlight with grid
Camera: Fujifilm X-T1 with 14mm, 23mm, 35mm and 56mm lenses
Filters: Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1/4 on all lenses
I teach how to create low key, high key and sculptured light portraits plus how to make patterned light on my boudoir workshops. Putting all these styles together can result in a far greater variety of shots from the shoot .
One way of decoding my posing for boudoir is to look for triangles and curves that I create in the body shape. I always aim to enclose limbs to form triangles. The fall of light on the body is key to my work too. I take control of all light in the scene.
The scene setting establishing shots incorporating the full body are the challenging ones to take. This is where ones skills as a photographer are most exposed. Composition, perspective and narrative are all contributors.
Please feel free to comment on or ask questions about these pictures. If you would like me to visit your city and you can help set up connections and facilities please drop Blaise or Laura an email. Thanks for looking, Damien.
Join me for my road trip across Europe in August 2015!
Hey great portraits .. Fantastic work by the photographer .. each shot is captured uniquely with awesome creativeness.
Thank you Anna :)
I really like your shoots Damien. You can get most out of every location. Your variety of photos is always surprising even at simple and basic locations. You have really mastered the light control.
Thanks again Martin for taking the time to comment on my work. Your compliments are appreciated.
Best regards,
Again a great inspiration, Damien. THX.
Thanks Michael :)
Wonderful images as usual. In the past I have tried to get a photo with a bride in a reflection on a table like you show. However I found that the background was always lit a little too much from the flash. Is there a formula or position of the flash that would produce great results every time?
Hi Invogue,
I use my light at 90 degrees to the camera for most of my reflection shots but not all. Remember the reflection is identical to the real thing, just a bit darker and flipped. So if the shot is poor without the reflection it will be doubly bad with the reflection.
Cheers, Damien.
Great images. You’re right – probably the best boudoir set you’ve done.
Cheers Ioan.
I have one more that perhaps surpasses it but that is yet to be blogged. This is certainly my most refined.
Kind regards,
Beautiful work as always Damien! Reminds me of our workshop so much;)
Thanks Sona,
I have fond memories of our hotel bedroom shoot. Thanks for the compliments. Stay in touch.
Beautiful. I love your ‘shooting into the light’ images.
Cheers, Paul.
I enjoy the way rim lighting details the contours of beauty. Thanks for the compliments.
Kind regards,
Fantastic inspirational shoot Damien, refined indeed, kudos to you and Rosalinde!
Thanks Kevin :) Your kind words are once again appreciated.
Beautiful work, and I love the delicate balance between light and shade.
Many thanks Neil. Kind regards, Damien.