Fun creative shoot with friends

Oct 22, 2015 | Flash, Fujifilm X, Location, News

Last week, after my Antwerp seminars and a 1:1 Hollywood lighting session, I traveled to Ostend for a fun creative shoot with friends. I always learn a lot from these guys and I often end up with a shopping list for new kit too ;)

Rosalinde is lit with an Elinchrom Quadra ELB with a 130cm x 25cm Rotalux striplight softbox.

01. Rosalinde is lit with an Elinchrom Quadra ELB with a 130cm x 25cm Rotalux striplight softbox. I love the shaping options working with a stiplight gives me.

Make up: Tessie Callens
Model: Rosalinde Kikstra
Light: Elinchrom Quadra ELB
Camera: Fuji X-T1 with 10-24mm and 50-140mm lenses
BTS video: Lieven Hoste

02. The Quadra with it's diffused plastic cover on the standard reflector is a perfect light source for landscape work. I was a bit extreme here opting for full power. The sky was a bright featureless grey.

02. The Quadra with it’s diffused plastic cover on the standard reflector is a perfect light source for landscape work. I was a bit extreme here opting for full power. The sky was a bright featureless grey during this mid afternoon shoot.

03. The behind the scenes shot showing my friend and fellow Fuji X photographer Ioaniss holding my flash head on a stand in boom mode. Don't try this with a flash unit that has a built in Li-Ion battery. There is very good reason decent location flash units have a separate power pack and this is one of them. It's always preferable to rig location lights on stands so that there is a low centre of gravity.

03. The behind the scenes shot showing my friend and fellow Fuji X photographer Ioannis Tsouloulis holding my flash head on a stand in boom mode. Don’t try this with a flash unit that has a built in Li-Ion battery. There is very good reason decent location flash units have a separate power pack and this is one of them. It’s always preferable to rig location lights on stands so that there is a low centre of gravity. The stands can be lighter weight, rigged higher and require less sand bagging.

04. Tom Museeuw showed us all how he feathers light using reflectors for various beauty shots including this tight head shot of Rosalinde wearing a wide brimmed hat. Without the reflectors Rosalinde's face was in deep shade.

04. Tom Museeuw showed us all how he feathers light using reflectors for various beauty shots including this tight head shot of Rosalinde wearing a wide brimmed hat. Without the reflectors Rosalinde’s face was in deep shade.

05. Here is the complete gang lit with the quadra. We retired to a hotel bar and restaurant for dinner and a bit of a beer tasting session.

05. Here is the complete gang lit with the Quadra. We retired to a hotel bar and restaurant for dinner and a bit of a beer tasting session. Left to right: Damien Lovegrove, Rosalinde Kikstra, Ioannis Tsouloulis, Tessie Callens, Lieven Hoste, Tom Museeuw, Paul Keur, Piet Van de Eynde and Isabel Corthier Mc GregCor.

Lieven Hoste produced this epic behind the scenes movie in the form of a blockbuster trailer. Lots of fun and talent on show. In a few weeks time it is my turn to host a creative shoot fest in Bristol. I can’t wait!


  1. Matt Selby Photography

    Awesome! Even with a dull overcast day you still work magic with the model & quadra! :)

    • Damien

      Thank you Matt :)

  2. hgrfoto

    We like posts like that, so just keep sharing :-) , cheers Håkon

    • Damien

      Thanks hgrfoto :)

  3. Jay Mijares

    Beautiful photos, Damien! The way you shaped the natural light around her face in the first photo is amazing. She really does look like a lioness! The locale looks pretty cold though…

    • damienlovegrove

      Hi Jay,

      Ah well spotted. What you see that’s not natural light. I had the Rotalux stip-light softbox set high and at 45° to render beautiful cheek bone shadows on Rosalinde and to bring out the mane of the Lion. Yes it was cold! :)

      Thank you for the lovely compliments, Damien.

  4. James

    Love your work Damien and it great to see so many different lighting setups.

    • damienlovegrove

      Thank you James. I like to keep Prophotonut fresh with new ideas and shoots. Your kind words are appreciated, Damien.


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