Here are 30 of my Hollywood glamour photography pictures taken on a 1:4 workshop that I ran in Clevedon near Bristol.
Photography: Damien Lovegrove
Model: Victoria Bond
Makeup: Vicki Waghorn
Lighting: Lupo 650 LED dual colour, Lupo 1000 LED dual colour, Lupo 2000 LED and the wonderful Aladdin A lite micro LED light.
Camera: X-Pro2 with 23mm, 35mm (f/1.4) and 50-140mm lenses.

01. Lit with the Lupo 650 as a key light and the nifty little but amazingly bright Aladdin A Lite as a back light. Both the lights were set to 3200k and the X-Pro2 was set to 4300k to render the colour files warm. I always process the images in colour then create a virtual copy before switching to Acros camera profile for my black and whites. I find the Acros profiles will take quite a bit more contrast and the punchy look is perfect for Hollywood glamour photography. X-Pro2, 35mm lens at f/1.4 using ISO 640 and 1/250th second shutter speed.

02. Expertly used hard light from a fresnel source like the Lupos deliver sculptured faces in a way that no soft light can achieve. X-Pro2, 50-140mm zoom, f/2.8, 1/60th second at ISO 640.

03. I set the white balance via the K setting to give this lovely warm look. All the shots were intended for monochrome conversion with the ‘Acros’ camera profile but I also love the colour ‘Pro Neg s’ set so I’ve included some of these too.

04. The Acros look is detailed, punchy and has a subtle refined grain. Comparing it with the standard monochrome conversion in Lightroom or the Bg profile on other Fuji cameras the differences are subtle and would hardly be noticeable at web resolution after a curves tweak or two but I find myself getting the look I want faster and in turn this makes me feel better about my images. Fuji X-Pro2, 50-140mm lens, f/2.8, 1/60th second at ISO 400. Lit with the Lupo 1000 set to 5600k.

05. The bed scene was next up and I used a Lupo 650 from the left and a Lupo 1000 from the right. Both lights were set to around 50% power and to 3200k. The exposure was set by the wall lights and the Lupos were added to taste. X-Pro2, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/60th second at ISO 250.

06. Exposures as above but this time with the Lupo 1000 switched off.

07. 50-140mm lens (115mm setting) at f/3.6, 1/125th second and ISO 640.

08. As above but at the 140mm setting. Notice how beautifully this hard light renders skin. Lupo 1000 as a key light set to 3200k and a Lupo 650 as a back light set to 5600k.

09. I used a Lupo 1000 with a Scattergel as a key light and a Lupo 650 to simulate the light from the Chandelier. Fuji X-Pro2. Top left 35mm lens, f/1.4, 1/200th second at ISO 800. All the other shots 50-140mm lens, f/2.8, 1/200th second at ISO 4000.

10. These shots were lit with the Lupo 2000 with three sheets of a light frost gel to soften off the light. Fuji X-Pro2, 35mm, f2.2, 1/320th second at ISO 400.

11. I showed the group how to do classic key and kick lighting using a mirror and one Lupo light. It’s a simple technique that delivers a great look with minimal rigging. X-Pro2, 35mm, f/1.8, 1/320th second and ISO 400.

12. Lighting as above but this shot was taken with the excellent 50-140mm lens. f/3.2, 1/320th second at ISO 400.

13. I swapped my 50-140 zoom with a delegate and used his 56mm lens at f/1.2 for these portraits.
This was one of my most rewarding workshops to date and it was set up on my Lovegrove Creative Facebook group. The participants chose the date, the model and the genre and my team at Lovegrove did the rest. If you would like to join me on a Hollywood Glamour Photography workshop please feel free to start a new thread on Lovegrove Creative group or ring Suzi or Laura at out office 01275 853204.
Please feel free to comment on these pictures below.
Number 8…Oooooooooosh!! Is all I can say.
Haha, cheers Howard :)
I’m with Rob….! Lovely stuff, as usual! Making me think that on my next trip through the UK, I should try and request a date & put together a group….hmm…
Hi Mark,
Thank you. I just immersed myself in your blog. Wow! Full on life beautifully captured with vibrancy. Stay in touch :) Damien.
Gosh Damien…thank you! It’s been ages since I’ve updated it but it served as an excellent conduit to sharing our experiences going through a variety of child production techniques! Have to admit, I’m better for it… Keep up the great posts – I’ve been watching your single speedlight video series and looking forward to heading out and experimenting. Cheers, Mark
Few things in life excite me as much as an updated blog on Prophotonut! This was well worth the wait :)
Wow, thank you Rob. I’ll try and keep the pace of posting up then :) Cheers, Damien.
Wonderful pictures Damien, I love the color rendering and the lovely Acros B&W’s. I have been using the Nikon system since the 90ths, and now use Nikon FF. Besides this I am now testing the Fuji X system……..I am so surprised in how good the quality is. And above all the ergonomics are wonderful, it reminds me of my first film camera. A real joy to use.
Hi Hella, Thank you for the compliments. The ergonomics you talk of are so important. The Fujis are a joy to use and this shows in the images too. Stay inspired and have fun with your photography, Damien.