Recent work featuring: Carla Monaco, Claire Rammelkamp, Jessica Tremlett and Lily Gilbert

Feb 12, 2017 | Continuous Lighting, Flash, Fujifilm X, GFX, Location, Studio

Set 1

These were shot at Backwell House, Somerset in February 2017 featuring Carla Monaco, make up and hair by Vicki Waghorn with styling and photography by Damien Lovegrove. This set was shot during a 1:1 ‘getting to know your Fuji X series camera‘ session hence created using the fabulous kit zoom lens.

All shots were taken hand held with a Fujifilm X-T2 with 18-55mm OIS lens. Lighting was by a Lupo 1000 LED with Scattergel or a speedlight in a SMDV Speedbox 70 with grid.

Carla Monaco


Carla Monaco on the stairs from above


Carla at Backwell House.



Backwell House









Set 2

This was shot at the Lovegrove Studio in Feburary 2017 and features Claire Rammelkamp with hair and make up by Vicki Waghorn. Photography and styling by Damien Lovegrove. This set was shot during a 1:1 ‘getting to know your Fuji X series camera‘ session.

All shots were taken hand held in the studio with a Fujifilm X-T2 and 18-55mm OIS lens. Lighting was by Lupo 650 and 1000 LEDs with Scattergels and an old studio flash head in a softbox or with a 7″ reflector.

Claire Ramelkamp






Set 3

These were taken at the Lovegrove Studio featuring Jessica Tremlett with hair and make up by Vicki Waghorn. Photography and styling by Damien Lovegrove. These were shot during a 1:1 studio lighting workshop.

All shots were taken hand held with a Fujifilm GFX super format camera with a 63mm standard lens. Lighting was by Lupo 650 and 1000 LEDs with Scattergels or up to three studio flash heads in a soft box or with 7″ reflectors and grids.










Set 4

These shots were taken on location in Wales and feature Lily Gilbert. Photography and styling was by Damien Lovegrove. This set was shot during a test shoot with my friend and expert photographer Len Martin.

All these photographs were taken with a Fujifilm X-T2 using 14mm, 16mm, 23mm, 35mm and 56mm lenses. Lighting was by a pair of Lupo 1000 LEDs with Scattergels and Godox AD360ii and AD600BM flash units.





Set 5

These were shot on location at Hotel 38 in Clifton and feature Carla Monaco with hair and make up by Vicki Waghorn. Photography and styling was by Damien Lovegrove. These were taken during a 1:1 location boudoir workshop.

All these shots were captured with a Fujifilm GFX using the 23-64mm lens or the 63mm lens. Lighting was by a pair of Lupo 1000 LEDs with a Scattergels.





Please feel free to comment below on these pictures. If you are feeling inspired and you want to join me on an adventure this year check out my experiences website. You can always book your own 1:1 session too. Give Blaise or Laura a call on +44 (0)1275 853204 to get the best possible rates. You get to choose the location, model, genre and kit we will use. How fabulous is that?

Stay inspired,



  1. John Sweeney

    Hi Damien
    Fantastic quality work with the “kit” lens that is stunningly sharp as you remark!
    Do you think that Fuji will be bringing of an XF 16mm F2 akin to the 23, 35 and 50mm?

    • Damien

      Hi John, Thank you for the compliments. I think there will be an 18mm f/2 mk2 first. 18mm really is a sweet focal length. I don’t know any more than the next person as I’m out of the loop on lens developments.

      Kindest regards,


  2. David Lees

    Set 4 was remarkable, the mix of model and architecture was so well done, I loved it.

    • Damien

      Thank you David for the compliments about my work.

      Kindest regards,


  3. gbrphotography

    Just love the tones, depth and clarity in your work, amazing!

    • Damien

      Hi GBR, Thank you for the compliments about my work. Feedback like this helps me stay motivated to continue pursuing the boundaries of tone and contrast.

      Best regards, Damien.

  4. Lyndon Smith

    Thanks so much for these images and tips. I’m trying not to get into buying too much gear too quickly so I really appreciate you demonstrating what can be done with the so-called “kit lens”.

    I bought the X-T2 and 18-55 lens after reading your Fuji book. I’m currently reading your “Portraits” book. I can definitely recommend these e-books to anyone interested in Fuji cameras or great photography! You various lens kits in the Fuji book are great and will help me develop my own lens purchasing roadmap as I delve further into the Fuji system.

    • Damien

      Hi Lyndon,

      Thank you for the endorsements. Being smart with light is the way forward. No amount of kit will make a better photographer once the basic bases are covered. Enjoy your new camera and stay inspired to get out there and shoot :) Kindest regards, Damien.

  5. Jacky Cornelis

    Hi Damien,
    I love your work, love the 40’s glamour portrait look you achieve in many of your pictures. Especially Set 2… Amazing!!!
    Now I wonder… Do you use any of the in camera film simulations or do you process RAF files into the jpegs you want? Do you apply noise reduction in camera? I recently bought an X-T2 and I love the acros film simulation a lot. But is’t a bit struggling with the simulation presets to get them just as contrasty as necessary to achieve the perfect 40’s glamour style.

    • Damien

      Hi Jacky,

      Thank you for your compliments. I get the contrasty look with lighting. It’s nothing to do with post production. The pictures look like these on the back of the camera. I use fresnel spotlights to get the look and I control the shadow depth in the rooms I’m working in. It’s a look and a style I wrote about extensively in my new book called Portraits (20% discount code ‘arpeggio’). The lighting is everything.

      I shoot RAW but have my camera set to Acros so that I can preview the lighting contrast and then I set Acros in Lightroom to match what I was seeing in camera.

      I hope this helps,


      • Jacky

        Thanks Damien, I’ll take a look at your book!

  6. Jed Best

    Wow! I cannot wait until the Marchworkshop in NYCto learn.

    • Damien

      Hi Jed, Thank you. March 1st is not far off. I’m looking forward to meeting you in NYC.



    • Damien

      Cheers Photostrobe :)

  7. Carlos

    Hi Damien, stellar work. It’s amazing how you’ve mastered lighting and composition. It’s a pleasure to the see images you create.

    • Damien

      Thank you Carlos :)

  8. Nick

    A truly stunning set of images. I would like to know a little more about image no27 ie lighting or PP. Your B&W work has inspired me to use it more often on my xt1. Cheers Nick

    • Damien

      Hi Nick.

      Thank you for your kind words. No27 was lit with a pair of Lupo 1000 LED spotlights. They were rigged behind the pillars and aimed over the handrails onto Lily. I used Scattergels to break up the light a bit.

      Kindest regards,


  9. David Edwards

    Too much… image overload. Fab as usual!

    • Damien

      Hi David,

      Overload indeed :) Thank you, Damien.

  10. Ioannis

    NIce, Very nice Damien! Over and over again!!!

    • Damien

      Thank you Ioannis :)

  11. Thierry

    It’s great to show that we can make awesome pictures with a kit lens! By the way, what is your minimum shutter speed for a zoom like 18-55 on the x-t2? Thanks!

    • Damien

      Hi Thierry,

      I was shooting the 18-55mm at 1/15th second with no problems :) Thanks for the compliments, Damien.

  12. Nigel Burn

    Hi Damien,
    As usual an awesome set of images from Set 1 & Set 2, to which I was a willing participant. I have a similar set of images, and once again, many thanks for your patience and willingness to impart your knowledge to me during our two days of 1:1 training.
    It is truly appreciated.

    Best regards,

    • Damien

      Hi Nigel,

      You are very welcome. I am going to share the full set in colour with you so you can take a look at my post prod. I’ll ask Blaise to forward the set via Dropbox to your email. Thank you once again for trusting in me to deliver your training. Have fun with your X-T2 and ‘kit’ lens. What a fabulous combination!

      Stay inspired,


  13. Jay Mijares

    Damien, you just used the 18-55mm kit lens for the shots with Carla and Claire? That’s amazing! These photos are beautiful! But as you once said in a past blog post, the first most important part of the photographer’s kit … is the photographer, then the lens, then the camera.

    • Damien

      Hi Jay,

      That Fuji lens is stellar. It certainly does the job. Anything else is a luxury unless it’s full potential is met. Thanks for your kind words, Damien.

  14. Terrence Bibb

    As always you never fail to delight. When you fully understand light, lines and shape you can manipulate any kit to do your bidding. Even with the X-series and it’s kit lens. I’m Excited to be shooting alongside you in NYC in March my friend. Looking forward to my photographic revival!!


    • Damien

      Hi Terrence,

      I’m looking forward to our reunion. Thank you for the compliments. NYC here I come! I can’t wait. See you soon, Damien.


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