by Damien | Oct 29, 2013 | Business, Continuous Lighting, Location
News I am running a one off non profit making seminar in the heart of the UK designed to deliver amazing value. There are three identical sessions to choose from, each session is three hours long and limited to 50 delegates. I will share my secrets for portrait making...
by Damien | Oct 16, 2013 | Business, Continuous Lighting, Flash, Location
Creating unique products and selling them to customers is the part of the retail process that a lot of shoot and burn photographers are missing out on. In this post I’ll share how I photograph and sell a pre wedding or engagement shoot.In my previous post I...
by Damien | Jun 9, 2013 | Business, News
Well, I’ve had a bash at writing the ‘About’ page for my ‘Passion Photography Experience’ website it and I thought I’d share it with you here. I chose to write in 1st person because I so dislike writing from someone else’s...
by Damien | Nov 16, 2012 | Business
Once you have honed your photography skills, been trained in the mastery of light, practiced new techniques and reinvented your shooting style it’s time to reap the rewards of all that investment in time and money. Keep your business in balance. If your photography...
by Damien | Feb 5, 2012 | Business, News
Various Twitter followers have asked me a question about searching for inspiration this week so I thought I’d respond in a blog post. Here is how I find images and use apps to drive my thought processes. I surf the interweb from time to time following a thread...
by Damien | Aug 30, 2011 | Business, Wedding
A few truths: Professional doesn’t mean high quality and part time doesn’t mean poor quality. There is no correlation whatsoever. I see a good cross section of the industry as a trainer and there are good and bad photographers on both sides of the fence. There are...