by Damien | Aug 1, 2018 | Continuous Lighting, Flash, Infrared, Wedding
Ten years ago Julie and I photographed Andy and Janey’s wedding. We’d never met them before our pre wedding meeting. As you will see rapport and genuine friendships were an important part of our wedding shooting process. The second half of the video is...
by Damien | Oct 12, 2015 | Business, Wedding
When bookings are good, the diary is full, and the work life balance gets strained, it’s time to increase prices. This can’t be done willy nilly, there has to be a perceived increase of the product value or service benefits to justify price increases but...
by Damien | Oct 6, 2015 | Business, Wedding
In this article for professional photographers I explain the perils of discounting and the knock on effects of giving real discounts to your customers. I also discuss ways to entice customers who expect a discount to buy your goods, products and services. Discount A...
by Damien | Jul 22, 2014 | Continuous Lighting, Flash, News, Wedding
I’m not usually one to blog weddings or customer work but as this one is for friends and models with whom I regularly work I thought I’d share a few of my photographs with you. There was a time at the turn of the century when a mixture of black and white...
by Damien | Oct 8, 2013 | Continuous Lighting, Location, Wedding
Capturing love Shooting couples is like portraiture with an extra dynamic – relationship. Having been trained in television I’ve seen many a director at work cajoling the very essence of a plot out of the actors. Passion to pain all come easily into shot with the...
by Damien | Apr 8, 2013 | Continuous Lighting, Flash, Location, Wedding
I am given various challenges as part of my day to day photography training business but none are tougher than this one. My long term clients Alan and Jackie Rankine flew me up to Edinburgh to give two days of 1:1 tuition in January. The theme was lighting winter...