Here is a new slideshow of the featured pictures plus all you need to know about the equipment we used during the making of the Using Natural Light on Location DVD now available from our main site.
Damien’s Camera kit:
Canon 5D mk1 camera
Canon 24mm – 70mm f/2.8 lens
Canon 70mm – 200mm f/2.8 IS lens unbranded batteries
Manfrotto 684b monopod. No longer available – replaced with a far clumsier, heavier version with unnecessary safety catches and foot plates etc.
Manfrotto 486RC2 ball head
Billingham 445 camera bag
Damien used auto white balance for all the pictures on this disc and fine tweaked the colour balance/ white point for all the frames under controlled conditions using Lightroom. It’s rare that the Canon 5D is far from close to the right color on Auto WB. No reflectors were used in the making of this DVD.
All the pictures were shot in RAW and processed in Adobe Lightroom® They were then further post produced using the extensive Lovegrove advanced action set in Adobe Photoshop®.
The trailer for the this DVD is here.
Below is a slideshow of the pictures featured in this DVD production.
[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”500″ width=”500″ /]
You might like to read a review of this DVD on the digital relish blog.
Hi Alec, Thanks for your kind words. The viewer does indeed get to see me set up each shot from scratch. We use 3 cameras simultaneously recording to show exactly what is going on from every angle. The viewer is left with all the information required to repeat the set ups. I hope this helps, Damien.
All of the slides are ‘brilliant’ as you brits say. I assume all the different lay outs of you and the equipment are shown during the course of the DVD. Would you alter any settings for ‘people of colour’ if they appeared here?