Postproduction videos ~ progress report

May 21, 2009 | News

Marko and I between takes on the set at the Lovegrove studio.

Marko and I between takes on the set at the Lovegrove studio.

Quite a few of you were emailing about the video tutorials for Photoshop and Lightroom and asking when are they going to be available. After an initial delay back in March we missed the shoot slot with our TV crew but I’m glad to say we are now back up and running. Expect the first batch of 8 or so videos to be ready for download within the next month.


  1. michaelbs

    “We may release what we have shot and edited on a You Tube channel as a free download. I’m still working out our options at the moment.


    Oh yes Sir. Please do!!
    You are such a gifted tutor.


  2. damien

    Hi Michael,

    Bad news I’m afraid. The result of 2 days filming once edited is not up to scratch to release it. You have to try these things and we gave it our best shot. If we get a moment in our schedule we will plan ahead and re-shoot. We were nearly there but it is not good enough to release. No one is more disappointed than I. This TV lark is tough at the best of times. My diary is full until November at the moment so it will have to go on the back burner for now. We may release what we have shot and edited on a You Tube channel as a free download. I’m still working out our options at the moment.


  3. michaelbs

    We can’t wait, Damien. Hurry up!!!

  4. damien

    Hi Cat,

    Marko lost his voice the day before the shooting schedule. Anyway we got a few days in the diary and we are back on track. It’s amazing just how hard it is to get a diary slot together for us all. Marko is the international Lightroom and Photoshop expert now. He was in Frankfurt teaching 24 photographers on Monday and because he has great command of languages he will be becoming scarcer here for sure.

    The video downloads will be worth while. We will break them into well defined sections so that you will only need to download the items you want. :)

    Kind regards, Damien.

  5. Cat

    Been waiting for this since I heard about them from Marko at Focus, will be very interesting and informative im sure!! x

  6. Craig Thomas

    looking forward to these

  7. Stuart

    Great to have the link showing the last 40 comments posted, really helps to keep up with hot topics etc. Looking forward to these online tiutorials.


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