This a bit of random to start my shooting season blog posts. It's the only shot in this set not lit with a Speedlight.
Here is a small selection of the shots taken on Tuesdays Speedlight Mastery workshop for Canon shooters.

We nipped into the Pitcher & Piano for lunch and I took this shot on the back stairs. I keyed Stina with a Speedlight in a silver brolly clamped to the Bannister with a magic arm.

We then went out and about to finish the curriculum. Two kick lights fitted with half blue gels and an on camera key fitted with a Honl full orange gel.
Why not join me on a Speedlight Mastery workshop this Spring, new dates are being added on a weekly basis. I’m researching and testing Nikon compatible radio triggers at the moment. Stay tuned for more information. In the meantime I’m pushing the fantastic CLS system to it’s limits so make the most of your investment in Speedlights and take control of your lighting.
Please feel free to comment on the shots.
Hi Damien,
Love your work!
Question…Can you make Speedligth Mastery Blue ray download version for Windows Media?
I dont have a Blue ray not really planning to buy me one anytime soon, and I live in Seattle, Wa, USA
probably will take 2-3 weeks before i get it..
Hi Ron,
I’m hoping to make NTSC DVD versions of the Speedlight Mastery disc. I made BluRay because it is secure and non region specific. Windows Media is not protected and will be all over the web in no time :(
Thanks for asking, Damien.
Hi Damien, just to say thankyou for such a great day last tuesday…(canon speedlight mastery)
stina was fabulous and you were inspiring managed to bag some great shots..thankyou…look forward to my next worksop and seeing you soon Terry
Hi Terry, Thanks for your company. See you again soon :) Damien.
Great Shots Damian – really looking forward to the speedlight masterclass next Tuesday. Although I must confess I’m pretty damn nervous about it all! It’ll be a great day though and can’t wait!
Hi Paul, There’s no need to be nervous about the Speedlight Mastery workshop. If you have any questions about kit or anything else really just email me.
See you on Tuesday.
Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I had a few opening night wobbles but I’m shooting on all cylinders now.
Chris, You’ll have a bit of a wait on your hands for my pedestal ;) See you soon :) D
Hi Craig, Nikon PW’s info is here: http://www.lovegroveconsulting.com/pocket_wizard_nikon.aspx
Regards, Damien.
Great shots ! I just love the third one
How do you find these super locations
I liked photos 2,3,4,6,8,9. Well done!
love the grafitti shot great pose and expression
Love the rivet shots great location and stunning work as always. Derek
Hi Ken CLS is the name for Nikon’s flash and exposure system. Creative Lighting System.
Best Wishes
Chris Hanley
Hi Damien
Just wondered what you mean by ‘CLS system’ at the end of your post.
See you on Monday.
Very nice! I really liked the shot named “The last shot of the day”.
Lovely shooting Damien, and looking forward to seeing you on a workshop later this year.
another great read!
Any news on the Nikon flex ttl’s yet?
so you hit the new shoot season running :) Riveting rivets, those shoes…..omg those shoes, which lens? and the final shot classic you. Look forward to trying to dislodge you off the pedestal in April
These are fabulous shots – great lighting. I love Stina’s shoes too!