New product videos now online

Jun 26, 2010 | Location, News, Studio

Here are some new product information videos that I’ve put together. The motivation for the project was to use video to answer some of my most asked questions freeing up my time and educating site visitors in the process.

I’m in the process of replacing my existing Flash online video content with Quicktime H.264. All the videos were shot in SD and are iPad or iPhone compatible. If you have any compatability issues with the videos below or you have codec settings that I could use to make the videos better, bigger, and load faster please use the comment facility below. Thanks in advance, Damien.

Here are the links to six of my latest videos:

Which lighting stand is right for the job?

The Orbis ring flash adapter in action

How easy is the EzyBox by Lastolite?

How do Arri Fresnel lights produce such beautiful light?

How can I use the LoveCube on location with a Speedlight?

How do I use the Lovegrove Studio Collection of colour gels?


  1. damien

    Hi Steve,

    One more note: Use a starting exposure of 800ISO with 1/60th second and f/4 and your Lowel pictures will sing :)



  2. damien

    Hi Steve,

    I’ll be shooting a Lowell video soon too. I was just waiting for our battery pack updates. It was the labels that took the time but we have them all now.



  3. damien

    Hi Richard,

    Orbis is not on my Speedlight Mastery video because I didn’t have one at that time. I’ve made one video that you have seen and I’m sure i’ll be making more soon:)

    Cheers, Damien.

  4. damien

    Hi George,

    The videos work on my 6 year old PC running Windows XP Pro that has never had an update beyond service pack 2. It does have iTunes on it though and that might just be the key to the problem why some PCs can and some PCs cant play the content. Just a thought that was given to me by Martin.

    Cheers, Damien.

  5. Steve Hale

    Thanks Chris, been following your blog since I did the very first Cherish workshop you did in Manchester last year. Loving the warmth this light gives, even gelling my speedlites CTO doesnt seem to replicate this as well.


  6. Chris Hanley

    hi steve
    nice to see you have invested in a lowel :) I’ve had mine for nearly 5 yrs and is one of my most used pieces of kit.
    There are some nice lowel shots on my maunsel house set which D has blogged, plus lots more on our cherish the dress posts and indeed my own blog. If you have any specific Q’s by all means send D or myself a DM on twitter and we’ll do our best to answer :)

  7. Steve Hale

    These are great Damien, as a proud owner of a Lowel which has just arrived from yourselves any plans to do a short video on it? I am learning through practice trial and error before using it with clients but some tips on video would be great.


  8. Richard Moore

    Just received the Orbis fabulous. Just wondered if you also include use of the Orbis on the Speedlight Mastery Workshop.

    Many Thanks Richard

  9. George

    Quicktime 7.6.6. is the latest version for PCs and these videos do not play on IE or Firefox on the three modern PCs/laptops I’ve tried (all with Windows 7).

    Not seen this problem before with a quicktime file have to say. Makes no attempt to stream.

    Thank you

  10. Richard Moore

    A fabulous way to see the products in action. I particulaly ike the Orbis flash now I have seen it in action I will place my order.

    Thank you for the insights Damien.

  11. damien

    Hi Aston,

    Thanks for the feedback. What browser are you using and on what platform?

    I’ve tested the videos in IE XP pro on our windows test server, in Parallels on a Mac again with IE XP pro, Firefox on a Mac, Safari on a Mac, Google Chrome on a Mac, iPhone and iPad. I thought I was nearly there :(

    I’m on Quicktime version 10 and as it’s a free upgrade (assuming you are not a Pro user) via software update I might have to accept non reverse compatibility for old versions.

    It’s always a tough call but info on your browser and OS etc. certainly would help. I’m not concerned with the ability to play the videos outside of a browser.

    FYI, I made the videos using Handbrake.

    Thanks again, Damien.

  12. Aston

    Quicktime 7.6.6 says the videos are broken. just comes up with a question mark. Tried other qt sites and it’s ok at my end. Just thought you should know. Ast…


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