Natalia, My first shoot ~ Pictures and ideas

Oct 8, 2010 | Flash, Location

1. Natalia, likes snakes apparently. Not that there were many lurking in this grass in the heart of Bristol.

1. Natalia, likes snakes apparently. Not that there were many lurking in this grass in the heart of Bristol.

This Speedlight Mastery workshop had all the hallmarks of a classic shoot. The day started with an evacuation of our meeting place as smoke billowed out of Costa Coffee. I strolled up on the dot of our meet time to be greeted by all the delegates plus fire crews. The delegates were keen and eager to start shooting. Natalia was there too with a smile and looking drop dead gorgeous. We retreated past the firemen with their big hoses to Cafe Gusto. (The best coffee shop in Bristol. A Gusto Flat White is sublime). After a kit check and a welcome drink we were shooting.

2. The first shot is always a kit check moment. A slash of flash from a single off camera Speedlight provided the light along with a bit of dapple from the sun.

2. The first shot is always a kit check moment. A slash of flash from a single off camera Speedlight provided the light along with a bit of dapple from the sun.

Pocket Wizards often present issues at the start of the day on workshops. Various camera bodies and firmware configurations in the PW units can occasionally cause conflicts. Once the settings have been ironed out during the first shot we are away for the rest of the day. We were three Canon 7Ds and a couple of 5D mk2’s.

3. A single Speedlight and reflected sunlight.

3. A single Speedlight and reflected sunlight.

4. A Lastolite Ezybox and a gust of wind did the trick here.

4. A Lastolite Ezybox and a gust of wind did the trick here.

5. Ezybox again! Once it's rigged I usually use it several times in the same zone.

5. Ezybox again! Once it's rigged I usually use it several times in the same zone.

6. We progressed to a pair of bare faced Speedlights on stands for this shot.

6. We progressed to a pair of bare faced Speedlights on stands for this shot at 1/1000th second at f/2.8

7. It's often fun and games on a Lovegrove workshop.

7. It's often fun and games on a Lovegrove workshop.

8. Three Speedlights and a Honl full orange gel.

8. Three Speedlights and a Honl full orange gel.





It was the first time I’d met Natalia and we got off to a good start. Natalia is polite, kind, utterly professional and drop dead gorgeous. While my delegates were shooting the Speedlight set ups I switched my camera into Aperture Priority to shoot natural light at my newly beloved f/2.8. Switching between M and Av gives me instant control at up to five stops of exposure variation.











16. A two flash classic shot as on the Speedlight Mastery DVD.

16. A two flash classic shot as on the Speedlight Mastery DVD.

17. Orbis. I love my Orbis with Pocket Wizard combo.

17. Orbis. I love my Orbis with Pocket Wizard combo.

18. Another Orbis shot.

18. Another Orbis shot.

19. Grey shutters in a shady street.

19. Grey shutters in a shady street.

20. The same grey shutters with the shot reversed. One Speedlight and no sunlight.

20. The same grey shutters with the shot reversed. One Speedlight and no sunlight.

21. A single Speedlight on a stand and a very fit Natalia.

21. A single Speedlight on a stand and a very fit Natalia.

22. A single Speedlight and the sun as a kick light.

22. A single Speedlight and the sun as a kick light.







26. A pair of Speedlights with ratios set using the AC3 controller

26. A pair of Speedlights with ratios set using the AC3 controller





29. And finally another Lovegrove classic shot using coloured gels, high speed sync and a wide open telephoto lens..

29. And finally another Lovegrove classic shot using coloured gels, high speed sync and a wide open telephoto lens..

Shane carried my bags for the day and wrote up the event in his eloquent style here. Well worth a read if you are considering photography training of any kind.

Matt Pereira, one of the delegates wrote up his experience here. There are also some behind the scenes, secret revealing shots on that link too;)

Browse our range of upcoming photography training courses here.

Please feel free to comment on the pictures or your experience on the shoot below.


  1. Shane

    Very happy to help out Damien, I had a great day and would gladly do it again any time. Good to meet all the other shooters. Desperately wanted my camera with me!
    Natalia was a star. Hope to see you again soon.

    • damien

      Thanks Shane,

      You made my job easy. Thanks, Damien.

  2. Nikki Baxendale

    Wow great series! Wish i could be in the uk to take more workshops, im defibately going to try anothrr time!! The model is stunning so sopia Lauren I love many of them but particularly 9 27 29
    Damien I only just found your site after the masterclass and I have to say it’s such a treat full of fabulous info I have a 35 min train in and out of the city every day and I sit back with my iPad every day soaking up all you back posts it’s really so amazing thanks for sharing!!!

    • damien

      Hi Nikki,

      It was such a pleasure to shoot your wedding and it’s even more of a pleasure to awaken your creative soul to portrait photography. I loved having you in Somerset for our recent series of workshops. Stay creative and stay inspired. Much love Damien. x

  3. Chris Hanley

    excellent, excellent, excellent my friend :) Look forward to welcoming Natalia to Manchester :) next year

    • damien

      Natalia will rise to the challenge of a real Cherish The Dress shoot. She is fabulous and in your lens she will shine.

      Cheers, D.

  4. Nick

    Another fantastic series Damien. I have definitely seen Natalie somewhere, she look stunning to, she will be on my wanted list for sure!


    • damien

      Hi Nick, Natalia is absolutely amazing! Thanks for your kind words.

  5. Per Zangenberg

    Hmmm I really have to try out one of your courses sometime…

    Stunning model. The first shot is perfecttion!

    • damien

      Thanks Per,

      I think the best shoot/ workshop for you to do is probably this one.

      Thank you for your continued praise and comments

      Kindest regards, Damien.

  6. James Ruane

    Thanks for your amazing speedlite training, great day, great fun, and most importantly brilliant pictures. Natalia made it so easy!

    • damien

      Hi James,

      I’m still smiling too. Thanks for your company. Enjoy the pictures and your new found shoot ideas.

      Kindest regards,


  7. Vicki Waghorn

    Superb as usual! (# 18 my favourite)
    Natalia is beautiful :)

    • damien

      Hi Vicky,

      Yes Natalia is beautiful. We must all work together soon.

      Damien xx

    • damien

      Thank you Chloe Jasmine. xx

  8. Ian Hamilton

    Excellent images as usual Damian (especially # 29) – good job you had a contingency for the coffee! :)

    • damien

      Hi Ian,
      Indeed we are rich in coffee shops in Bristol – a cafe society in the West of England. Thanks for your compliments,



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