Portraits on the streets of Pisa ~ Pictures

Nov 8, 2011 | Continuous Lighting, Location

As if two days of intensive living and photography weren’t enough Chris and I decided to have some fun on a third day and shoot from lunchtime until dark on the streets of Pisa. We chose to keep it simple and not to use Speedlights, just the ambient light plus the light from my torch. A group of delegates joined us and we were off. Here are 38 of my pictures.

Our models were Charo Galura and Deborah Lyli Parcesepe

01. A low angle viewpoint and full sun make this shot of Charo and someone else's Fiat 500 work so well.

02. We started with a bit of texture and full sun as we had plenty of both.

03. I just love shooting on my Fuji X100 and I used it for the majority of these pictures. Chris stuck to just a 50mm lens and we were off. It pays to travel light when shooting on the street.

04. I soon found some tunnel lighting to use for this shot of Deborah.

05. And a shaft of sunlight. We had to work fast because the light was gone in a matter of minutes.

06. There's so much you can do in full sun with a bit of creative exposure.

07. Colour harmony.



09. Chris managed to purloin a bike so we used it for a few frames. The important element in a shot like this is the design. Ground level gave me just right viewpoint for a bike shot and the arches compliment the wheels.

10. Doorways, lots of them.

11. I couldn't resist this simple shot.

12. Chris chose to use the shutters for a set up and I stole this shot of Charo.

13. Then it was my turn to pose a bike shot. I decided that Ted was important to keep in.

14. I can't seem to get enough sun in my pictures here in the UK. Bring it on.

15. I then captured this reflection shot and a moment later I saw Chris trying to get it too :)

16. I like to push my exposures into high key set ups and pull back detail in the post production.

17. Both our girls were gorgeous so I had to grab some head shots. I love the streets and sky reflected in Deborah's glasses.

18. A typical pose of mine with eyes closed and head held down and to the side.

19. Charo has a fabulous look and it was some time before we had any 1:1 time to capture a few intimate shots.

20. Another of Chris Hanley's set ups but I switched the mood from bright and alive to sad and lonely.

21. Charo and I had a mini fashion shoot that lasted all of 2 minutes but gave me some dynamic images for this set. I usually shoot static poses and I leave the motion shots to Chris but this was my moment to push my boundaries.





25. Then it was back into the sun with Deborah.

26. I keep looking, seeing, and taking shots from different angles and I direct the action as I go.

27. The last rays of sunlight in Pisa seemed to fall in the park that these shots were taken in.

28. Charo is a brilliant actress and conjured up the looks I was after on demand.

29. The girls went off to get togged up in some designer clothes from a local shop while Chris, I and a few other delegates had a beer or two. We then went to the shop and I shot this in the changing room area using a down-lighter.

30. This turned into a mini fashion shoot as the store owner wanted the pictures. So I shot one more frame with the down-lighter to include the shop bag before setting up some more obvious shots elsewhere.

31. Lit with my £40 torch from 7dayshop.com and the ambient in the shop.

32. My torch became the back light here and It was a job for the Fuji X100.

33. The torch proved perfect for many more shots including these tunnel shots.


35. Fab colours.

36. The torch lit Charo and the Fuji X100 did the rest.

37. The golden hour starts with the after glow and ends just about here. Deborah is lit with the light from a shop window.

38. A grab shot of a few guys on the street.

By 8pm we were in a restaurant and by 1am we were in a bar then our hotel lounge until 4.15am then bed. A perfect end to a perfect trip. I made new friends and had a bit of an adventure. Just how life should be. I’d love you to join us in Italy next year. I can see an Italian adventure with Chris and I becoming an annual event.

Please feel free to comment on the pictures.


  1. Mike Adams

    I have to take my hat off to you for the shots in the shop changing room under a down-lighter!! They look like highly crafted fashion shots from a studio session, not something thought up on a whim while on location and in presumably a small booth. You must have been on a roll!

    Also like the Charo pose in 21 and of course the amazing colour and balance of lighting in 36 and 37 on the streets. Wondering if 36 has been enhanced by Marko or it really was that vivid?

    • damien

      Hi Mike,

      Haha thanks. We make our own luck. Yes 36 was that vivid (shot on Velvia setting in my Fuji X100) Thanks for your kind words.

      Cheers, Damien.

  2. david cooke

    A 50mm 1.4 is on my wish list, great use of natural light, I wasnt over keen on some of the black shadows in the first half of the shots, but overall they are wonderful as usual, especially the golden glow shots, great backgrounds abound I am always in awe o0f your talent Damien.

    • damien

      Thanks David,

      As you know I love shadows. It’s great that we love different elements in images. You won’t be disapointed with the 50mm focal length:) Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I really do appreciate it.

      Kindest regards, Damien.

  3. Ivan Packer

    Lovely images Damien, and great use of the natural light. I can see why Chris stuck to the 50mm, I have just bought the Canon 50mm 1.4 based on all the great reviews it has got!

    • damien

      Thanks Ivan.

      50mm is a great focal length. About 30% of all my images are shot with my 50mm lens.

      Cheers, Damien.

  4. Nikki Baxendale

    These are fabulous, love the variety and the angles! and even better having been there with you!

    • damien

      Thank you Nikki,

      I’m missing the Italy buzz too. Thank you for your compliments. I look forward to shooting alongside you in 2012 :)

      Best, Damien.

  5. Spruce Moose

    Wow – the colours are great all around.

    I love the weave of the jacket fabric in 23, and the shopkeeper in the background of 36 is just amazing.

    • damien

      Thank you mr Moose :) It was a fab session indeed. Warmest regards, Damien.

  6. James

    Count me in! Please let me have a list of upcoming courses. I am hoping to relocate to Thailand in the next 6 months and want to cram as much training in as possible!
    Wonderful shots. J

    • damien

      Hi James,

      Sorry for the delay in replying. I’ve been making movies. The details of our upcoming workshops are here and more events are added weekly. If you have any requests for workshops prior to your relocation to Thailand please just ask and I’ll see if we can put them on.

      Kindest regards,


  7. Ali Lovegrove

    Amazing as always, truly inspirational stuff. Beautiful use of the architecture – but you know that :) Stunning xx

    • damien

      Thank you Ali xxx

  8. Paul Keppel

    Love the colours in the evening shots, especially no 36

    What was the light you got from 7day shop? I’ve seen it being used in a couple of your shoots now. :-)

    • damien

      Thanks Paul,

      36 was a sod to capture. I lit Charo with my torch then had to hold my X100 really still for the slow shutter. The chef adds the finishing touches :)

      Cheers, Damien.

    • damien

      Thanks Will,

      I always love car reflections the curves make them quite abstract. I usually find the best ones at night.

      Cheers, Damien.

  9. Helen

    Hi Damien – will you have a new DVD out before Christmas and what will be the next topic? I’m eagerly awaiting it.

  10. Jon S6

    masterful. Reallllly well done

    • damien

      Thank you Jon, I appreciate your kindness. Damien

  11. Chris Hanley

    what a blast, superb creativity and a party to boot.
    Respect buddy :)

    • damien

      Hi Chris,

      Having a blast creatively seems to be a reccuring theme. Life is great with friends like you.

      Cheers, Damien.

  12. North east wedding photographer

    With my 40th birthday looming every set of yours taken on the x100 brings me closer to choosing that as my present to self.

    Thanks to you Mr Lovegrove I can see this and an Italy trip happening.

    • damien

      Hi Rob,

      I hope your 40th gets recorded on an X100:) Next autumn Chris and I will be in Sicily, A bit nearer the Equator and with plentyful luxury villas to shoot in.

      Kindest regards,


  13. James

    So many good shots, great job!

    • damien

      Thanks James :)

  14. Karen McGowran

    So many great memories here Damien…you gave me confidence to try some things that I’d struggled with (full sun…aarrgh!) and your energy kept the pushing us on. Thanks for your friendship and the 4am end to the trip!

    • damien

      Thanks Karen,

      Our 4am encounters seem to be reccuring :) Do you think the milkman appreciated our attention. Haha. It’s a pleasure to shoot alongside you.

      Damien x


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