Cherish The Dress™ workshop for Evolve 3 ~ pictures

Mar 17, 2012 | Continuous Lighting, Flash, Location

I can’t believe we’ve finally finished Evolve 3. What started as a group of 10 studios/ photographers soon became 7. The 7 survivors then embarked upon a fast paced business growth programme that included plenty of shoot training as well as business development days and they are now equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. This has just been the first part of the journey that will take them into successful careers with the right application of effort on their part.

01. I Lit Chris and Sarah with an Elichrom Quadra and a Speedlight.

One Evolve 3 delegate has experienced a meteoric rise in the wedding photography echelons and I expect great things from the others too. The pictures here form half of the set we shot as a group at the Manchester Hilton last week. I was joined by Chris Hanley from Evolve 1 to teach our unique styles of speed lighting interior portraits. The delegates were in two groups and rotated between Chris and I so that they all got to shoot everything. Chris’s pictures will follow no doubt, but for now here is my set.

02. A classic Lovegrove wedding pose.

Models: Sarah Stone, Chris Moore, Jenny Brook

Hair and Make up: Jeni Morris

Dresses: Erica Stacey

Coordination: Claire Hanley

Tutors: Damien Lovegrove and Chris Hanley

03. And from another angle.

04. I used a Quadra head in a Lastolite Ezybox on the Lovegrove Avenger boom arm to light Chris. It is a fab light source.

05. Three stops over and black and white malarkey as Chris Hanley likes to call it works great for me on this shot of Sarah.

06. There's always time for a quick groom portrait on a wedding or Cherish the Dress™ shoot.

07. I love colour too. Luke edited these this week and I suggested he edited everything in colour and we actioned a monochrome set too.

08. Legs work well as compositional shapes in the design makeup of a successful shot :) Lit with the Quadra in a gridded Lastolite Eazybox.

09. Details make everything hang together.

The next 28 shots were lit with a Lupo 800 spotlight. This was a quick rig process. With the light in essentially the same position we created six or more varied set ups. Each setup delivered three or four shots. Here are just a few of my favourites.

10. Jenny basking in a slash of light from my Lupo 800 Fresnel spotlight.

11. Lighting as shot 10.

12. The Lupo was just panned around to light Jenny in this new position.

13. Lighting as shot 12.

14. A bit of fun in a can. All that is missing is a cigarette holder to go with the vintage dress and scene.

15. I couldn't decide on the framing at the time and I still can't. That's why I let Julie (my wife) select my photographs but she is in Africa at the moment hence my indecision.

16. One Lupo 800 is a versatile and powerful lighting tool. I like it bare faced although you can add frost gels to create small soft box type light source.

17. The shadow is a must in this frame.

18. Same lighting as 17.

19. Lighting the same as shot 10.

20. The Lupo 800 delivers crisp beautiful light that produces squint free beauty portraits. The light caresses faces enhancing contours and delivering a classic Hollywood look emphasising cheek bones and reinforcing jaw lines. It helps to have a subject as gorgeous as Jenny Brook.



22. Lighting is the same as shot 21.

23. The Lupo was angled down through a potted olive tree in the Hilton reception area to light Sarah.

24. One Lupo 800 and my pocket Venetian blind :)


26. Again it was a framing indecision moment between 25 and 26.

27. The Lupo spotted up onto Jenny now in a more edgy look.

28. Having fun with my 21mm Zeiss lens. It is normally locked away from temptation on a portrait shoot but I unleashed it here.

29. I love diagonals, reflections and beautiful eyes.

30. Even in a bright foyer the Lupo 800 had impact.

31. Framing indecision again.

32. Fab shoes.



35. The Lupo as a hair light.


37. One of the key Evolve training messages is 'connect with your client' Portraits with soul make the photographer.

38. Jenny has amazing eyes and the make up was fab.

I’ve exposed the Evolvers to the complete creative process. Now it’s over to them to develop their styles and products. I’m in my 28th year of professional image making. I’m still learning and it’s the greatest feeling.

Thanks go to Chris and Claire Hanley for making this Manchester event happen. I must also thank Blaise for organising me throughout the Evolve journey :)

If you’re looking for some training, we are regularly adding a wide range of photography training courses online.

Please comment below.


  1. Ayo

    Another classic collection. I like these because it has a lot of the elements of creative photography in it. Vintage look…11 – 22, was that done in shoot or more in post? Please, how was it executed? When will you be in LONDON or ESSEX???? :-)

    • damien

      Hi Ayo,

      Thanks for your kind words. The looks in this post were created in camera. I used Fresnel spotlights, both tungsten and daylight and a bit of smoke too. I’ll be in London at the SWPP convention in January where I will be demonstrating classic Hollywood lighting first thing on the Saturday morning at the convention.

      I’ve yet to find a London hotel or venue that would let us have free reign to shoot in all areas and just let us get on with it. If you know of any please do let us know.

      Kindest regards,


    • damien

      Hi Ebowroom,

      Thanks for your compliments. Damien.

  2. david cooke

    Speechless, well not really!!!! wow knock your socks off photos, I am doing a cherish the dress session in Huddersfield in July, not found a location yet but have put hotels on the list, thanks for the inspiration.

    • damien

      Thanks David. I hope your shoot in Huddersfield goes well.

      Best regards,


  3. Liam Crawley

    Beautiful portraits Damien, seriously inspiring stuff. Love love love the smokey ones

    • damien

      Thanks Liam for your kind words.

      The smoke was a simple idea that adds atmosphere with the minimum of fuss. I love the fact that no two shots with smoke are ever the same.

      Cheers, Damien.

  4. Martin Hambleton

    Of course, the whole selection is great. But …the sequence from 10-22 is simply out of this world. An absolutely superb set of fashion photographs.

    • damien

      Wow thanks Martin,

      Having a styling team raises the game to the fashion level. Keeping the lighting positive, purposeful, simple yet stylised completed the look. Thank you for your compliments, Damien.

  5. Konfral

    When’s the next one starting?!?

    • damien

      Hi Konfral,

      Thank you for your positivity. I’ll have a word with Chris and we will get a date in the diary. I’ll ask Blaise my PA to drop you an email with the date once we have arranged it.

      Kindest regards,


  6. Thorsten

    Great images here from you (and from Chris on his blog). I really enjoyed viewing them all. Thanks for sharing such wonderful images.

    • damien

      Hi Thorsten,

      I’m so glad your photography has taken on a whole new energy. It is important to have a back to basics, keep it simple moment from time to time. The Fuji X100 and the Lupolux continuous lights have made this happen for me.Stay inspired and stay shooting.

      Best regards, Damien.

  7. Chris Hanley

    If once you have admired Damiens beautiful pictures and wish to look at my sets with the lupo then here is the link.
    Chris Hanley

    • damien

      Top work Chris. I’ll get a date set aside for the next Cherish the Dress / Street fashion event. It’s always a pleasure to spend time with you bud.

  8. Lee Kerr

    Great work Damien, loving the b&w :)

    • damien

      Thanks Lee, your comments are appreciated :) Best wishes, Damien.

  9. radmila kerl

    Now you got me Damien! This time I can´t say which one I like most – the whole set is fab! Particularly No. 10-22 – the vintage style pictures of Jenny just blew me away (well, you know me :).
    Next time you shoot in Manchester this type of pictures – give me a shout – I am definitely IN!!!! Also, the set of b/w pictures is beautiful.

    • damien

      Hi Radmilla,

      Thank you for your coments. We will be shooting a Cherish the Hilton and a ‘fashion on the streets of Manchester’ again later this year. I’m sure I can tag on a complimentary creative shoot the day after too :)

      I’ll keep you in the loop.

      Kindest regards,




  1. Cherish the Dress™ Masterclass | Chris Hanley Photography Blog - [...] legendary photography days and evenings which merge to morning. Damien’s pictures are HERE. Gratitude also go in huge quantities too…

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