Jammy Lou in the studio ~ 1:1 lighting training session

Feb 5, 2014 | Continuous Lighting, Flash, Studio

01. Jammy Lou on fire

01. Jammy Lou on fire. Lit with one Elinchrom 600 RX studio flash head and a beauty dish and grid I bought a couple of years ago on Ebay.

We started with a session of lighting set ups for corporate head shots and 3/4 body shots (not shown here) then we went on to the more creative studio lighting. We covered beauty, fashion and editorial lighting plus we managed to shoot some one light fashion nudes too. NSFW after the jump

Model: Jammy Lou
Make up and hair: Vicki Waghorn
Camera: Fujifilm X-E2 with PhotoMadd grip and 60mm lens for all the pictures.
My delegate shot with a Leica M and a Nikon D800

02. These were shot using my one light beauty rig.

02. These were shot using my one light beauty rig. It is ever so striking and flattering on skin texture. Soft lighting like this widens faces while my favoured hard light narrows faces but when it comes to flawless beauty shots soft light wins every time.

03. Make up and hair was by my house stylist Vicki Waghorn.

03. Make up and hair was by my house stylist Vicki Waghorn.


04. A simple two light set up using strip light soft boxes and a separate unit to control contrast.


05. Using the same two strip lights we took the shots to another level. This kind of two light set up works well for pregnancy, boudoir and nudes in the studio.





08. I love the opportunity to shoot for print. Art paper prints require clean and detailed shadow areas to deliver the highest quality.

08. I love the opportunity to shoot for print. Art paper prints require clean and detailed shadow areas to deliver the highest quality.

09. We swapped from shooting flash to shooting with one or two Lupolux LED spotlights. These were lit with just one LED 1000 light.

09. We swapped from shooting flash to shooting with one or two Lupolux LED spotlights. These were lit with just one LED 1000 light.

10. Life in the jungle.

10. Life in the jungle.

11. I used two spotlights for this tutu sequence. My client has 5 Lupolux LED lights for his commercial work on location and this was a refresher day to realise the potential of the Spotlight in the controlled studio space.

11. I used two spotlights for this tutu sequence. My client has 5 Lupolux LED lights for his commercial work that he shoots on location throughout the world and this was a refresher day to maximise the potential of the Lupolux Spotlight in a controlled studio space.

12. I cross shot torso and legs to deliver a but of madness

12. I cross shot Cass’s torso and legs to deliver a bit of funkiness.

1:1 sessions are a great way to hone new skills, iron out camera handling weaknesses or to learn about light. I teach some of the most influential professional photographers on the circuit today. In return I take onboard training too. Self development is the most important part of an ongoing creative process. We have laughs, lots of creativity and plenty of excitement in a relaxed easy going environment. Ring Laura or Blaise for more information on 01275 853204. And Yes, I can come to you too.

Please feel free to comment on these pictures.


  1. hood

    You are a genius Mr Lovegrove!! You evoke something very special with your Fuji shots……Your boudoir shots are second to none. The shots are sycophantic, mesmerizing and captivating, embodying ache, lust and desires for and beyond courtship….

    • Damien

      Haha, thank you Hood :)


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