01. My hotel suite was perfect for this shoot. I’m lucky to have Blaise and Laura at my studio because they are great at sourcing amazing venues to shoot in. If you have a 1:1 or 1:2 training session with me you can leave the location scouting to them.
The scene was set at the fabulous Stage 47 hotel. The lighting was with a Lupolux Led spotlight kit comprising a 1000, a 650, scattergels and stands. Our model and makeup were arranged by my clients and I was commissioned to deliver a 1:2 workshop/ shoot experience based on Hollywood Glamour. Here are 25 pictures from the day
My clients had secured the services of professional model Rina Bambina and hairstyling with makeup was by Britta Carina Wownenko at Wow-Make-up.

02. Props included this wonderful vintage Leica. I used the Fuji XF90mm lens for these shots and it’s surprising how close it focusses.

03. I added a hair light from the Lupo 650 and the pictures came alive.
I shot all day with my new favourite camera the Fuji X-T10 with 16mm, 23mm, 35mm, 56mm and 90mm lenses. My clients shot with Fuji X-T1, Rolleiflex twin lens reflex and a medium format Pentax 645z. The advantage of working 1:1 or 1:2 is we can go at a pace to suit film or medium format shooters.

04. This is probably the stand out shot of the day. It was a moment created with a burst of energy on my part to trigger Rina’s reaction. The 90mm lens by Fuji really does deliver. I was skeptical about shooting handheld interiors with it as it doesn’t have OIS but I was getting away with shutter speeds as low as 1/125th second. I’ll do more testing next week when I’m back in the UK.
Other kit included Tiffen Black Pro Mist filters in 1/4 strength and a monopod for the Pentax. Everything here was shot on the Fuji X-T10 hand held.

05. Very Edward Hopper in styling and colour palette.

06. I used the Tiffen black pro mist filter on the 90mm lens and at times I doubled up the filters to see just how far you can go and make it look fabulous. All the looks in my images are created in-camera. I don’t use sudo film presets in Lightroom as optical diffusion is just so much better and less uniform.

07. The 90mm lens gets right in there. These shots were cropped like this in-camera. The calmness of the shot on the right was mesmerising when I saw it full screen at the edit.

08. We were off to lunch at a nearby bistro and I grabbed this shot of Rina while we were waiting for the lift. ISO 4000 is fine on the X-T10 :)

09. The staircase at the hotel was a wonderful location to shoot in with a pair of Lupolux spotlights. The light rigged on the half landing was battery powered to avoid trailing cables. The 1000 can run for over two hours on full power from a V-mount battery kit costing about £200. Ask Blaise or Laura for details on the new battery solutions for Lupolux spotlights. They are on (044)1275 853204

10. We had time at the end of the day to do some tasteful boudoir with classic lighting. Emotion and connection is everything with this genre.

12. We just used one Lupo 1000 up on the mezzanine bedroom level.

13. A Lovegrove classic shot with a pair of Lupos with classy elegance provided by Rina.
1:1, 1:2 and small group training is where It’s at now. Bespoke sessions tailored to your needs, at a pace you can enjoy with bags of learning to be had on every level of the process. More information on 1:1 and small group training and shoots can be found here.
I’d like to thank Tom Klein and Michael Günther for booking me in Dusseldorf. Where are you going to have your shoot session? Cuba? I wish :) Please comment below and feel free to ask questions in the blog comment section at the foot of the page. I reply to each and every blog comment and I try to respond to all the Facebook comments too.