Cherish The Dress in Somerset ~ Part 2

Jun 26, 2010 | Location, Wedding

7. I think its important part of the client experience that you capitalise on the shoot venues features. By placing your client with the features and making the shots fun, it attaches emotional memories and makes the picture an instant buy. The old copper bath was one such feature. I asked chloe to read a book whilst her evening bath was filling. There is an Arri 300w hid behind the left hand side of the door provide the key light and a lowel ID light hid on the right hand side providing a kick/hair light.

1. (7). I think its important part of the client experience that you capitalise on the shoot venues features. By placing your client with the features and making the shots fun, it attaches emotional memories and makes the picture an instant buy. The old copper bath was one such feature. I asked chloe to read a book whilst her evening bath was filling. There is an Arri 300w hid behind the left hand side of the door provide the key light and a lowel ID light hid on the right hand side providing a kick/hair light.

Here are Chris Hanley’s pictures with his comments from the Cherish The Dress workshop we jointly ran at Maunsel House in Somerset. Enjoy

1. A shot like this is great one to make your first on a cherish shoot for several reasons. Its uncomplicated, introduces and element of fun, relaxes your client, sets the scene and if your shooting a couple gets the guy involved. Shot using an Arri 300w combining tungsten with daylight.

1. A shot like this is great one to make your first on a cherish shoot for several reasons. Its uncomplicated, introduces and element of fun, relaxes your client, sets the scene and if your shooting a couple gets the guy involved. Shot using an Arri 300w combining tungsten with daylight.

2. Whilst you have the couple together, get them to show a moment of tenderness. I like to surprise clients at viewings with images that they didn't "see" I placed the Arri to the right of the couple and shone it into the mirror, with the couples heads aligned off centre it allowed me to illuminate both their faces with the lamp and its reflection

2. Whilst you have the couple together, get them to show a moment of tenderness. I like to surprise clients at viewings with images that they didn't "see" I placed the Arri to the right of the couple and shone it into the mirror, with the couples heads aligned off centre it allowed me to illuminate both their faces with the lamp and its reflection

 3. Never miss an opportunity to grab a lovely informal portrait. Even if it doesn't make the final album selection, there is a good chance it'll be bought separate as a desk portrait. Simple natural light

3. Never miss an opportunity to grab a lovely informal portrait. Even if it doesn't make the final album selection, there is a good chance it'll be bought separate as a desk portrait. Simple natural light

4. This shot and the one below are my classic reveal shots for dresses that have longer trains. I couldn't resist using the old changing screen in front of the large French windows. A simple adjustment of colour temperature in camera gives me two looks instantly. I love the richer amber hues of shot 5, giving the feeling of late low summer sun filling the old ballroom. Both images were lit with an Arri 300w.

4. This shot and the one below are my classic reveal shots for dresses that have longer trains. I couldn't resist using the old changing screen in front of the large French windows. A simple adjustment of colour temperature in camera gives me two looks instantly. I love the richer amber hues of shot 5, giving the feeling of late low summer sun filling the old ballroom. Both images were lit with an Arri 300w.

5. As above

5. As above

 6 & 7. I think its important part of the client experience that you capitalise on the shoot venues features. By placing your client with the features and making the shots fun, it attaches emotional memories and makes the picture an instant buy. The old copper bath was one such feature. I asked chloe to read a book whilst her evening bath was filling. There is an Arri 300w hid behind the left hand side of the door provide the key light and a lowel ID light hid on the right hand side providing a kick/hair light.

6. I think its important part of the client experience that you capitalise on the shoot venues features. By placing your client with the features and making the shots fun, it attaches emotional memories and makes the picture an instant buy. The old copper bath was one such feature. I asked chloe to read a book whilst her evening bath was filling. There is an Arri 300w hid behind the left hand side of the door provide the key light and a lowel ID light hid on the right hand side providing a kick/hair light.

8. Moving to the Kings bed, I loved the way the bed covers complimented Chloes dress. A simple natural daylight shot, making the most of this grand bed. I shot this on my Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 to include the beautiful silk canopy.

8. Moving to the Kings bed, I loved the way the bed covers complimented Chloes dress. A simple natural daylight shot, making the most of this grand bed. I shot this on my Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 to include the beautiful silk canopy.

 9. Every gentlemen should have a wardrobe like this :) The beauty of the battery operated lowel light is its compact and versatile and can be hidden in the smallest of spaces. Two shots here. 9. A nice crop and 10. Below, is a scene setter.

9. Every gentlemen should have a wardrobe like this :) The beauty of the battery operated lowel light is its compact and versatile and can be hidden in the smallest of spaces. Two shots here. 9. A nice crop and 10. Below, is a scene setter.

10. As above

10. As above

11. The next few images of Chloe I gave her a story to act out. Easy for Miss Whicello, but clients sometimes struggle to pose themselves so I give them scenarios to relate to, which helps them to relax and pose.

11. The next few images of Chloe I gave her a story to act out. Easy for Miss Whicello, but clients sometimes struggle to pose themselves so I give them scenarios to relate to, which helps them to relax and pose. Chloes brief was Lord and Lady Maunsel had gone on a hunting trip and left their incorrigible daughter and heiress to look after the house. Let the party commence ;) heres the scene setter, welcome to Maunsel.

12. Come on in :)

12. Come on in :)


13. I love this shot, another cheeky little portrait shot through the ornamental bay trees.

14. The house is so quirky, I loved this link corridor to the dining room, full of old pictures and table lamps. I used a lowel light to light chloe, and I matched its output level to the ambient light using the dimmer. Auto white balance, ISO 800 f/4 at 1/30th sec

14. The house is so quirky, I loved this link corridor to the dining room, full of old pictures and table lamps. I used a lowel light to light chloe, and I matched its output level to the ambient light using the dimmer. Auto white balance, ISO 800 f/4 at 1/30th sec

15. Caption as 14.

15. Caption as 14.

16. Caption as 14.

16. Caption as 14.

17. The fun continued in the Hall. Giving clients an experience will always increase your picture sales, we demonstrated this by using some of the quirky items on the hat stand. These shots lit with an Arri 300.

17. The fun continued in the Hall. Giving clients an experience will always increase your picture sales, we demonstrated this by using some of the quirky items on the hat stand. These shots lit with an Arri 300.

18. As above.

18. As above.

19. I nipped outside and shot through the window. Love this shot too.

19. I nipped outside and shot through the window. Love this shot too.

20. Final session of the day was shot outside as the weather was so beautiful. Technically not Cherish as it was outside, but when you have a late summers afternoon and the dresses are couture rather than bridal we can bend the rules. Well I can, cos its my brand :) I came across this old doorway in the garden wall. surrounded by rambling roses. Placing Sarah and Fran in the cool shade and using the sun as a backlight through the foilage, I demonstrated the lastolite panelite. From some distance we were able to illuminate our gorgeous couple.

20. Final session of the day was shot outside as the weather was so beautiful. Technically not Cherish as it was outside, but when you have a late summers afternoon and the dresses are couture rather than bridal we can bend the rules. Well I can, cos its my brand :) I came across this old doorway in the garden wall. surrounded by rambling roses. Placing Sarah and Fran in the cool shade and using the sun as a backlight through the foilage, I demonstrated the lastolite panelite. From some distance we were able to illuminate our gorgeous couple.

21. Another of my faves and pure accident. As I held the reflector in my left hand I grabbed a shot into the sun and about 2 stops over, (f4 1/100th sec iso 200) I just love the milky flare and the sarah and frans pose.

21. Another of my faves and pure accident. As I held the reflector in my left hand I grabbed a shot into the sun and about 2 stops over, (f4 1/100th sec iso 200) I just love the milky flare and the sarah and frans pose.

22. This simple and beautiful portrait of sarah was illuminated with a piece of folded silver packing card I've had in my lastolite bag for years.

22. This simple and beautiful portrait of sarah was illuminated with a piece of folded silver packing card I've had in my lastolite bag for years.

23. Time for passion near the potting shed. Sarah and Frans brief was Lady Chatterleys lover :) Utilising the beautiful backlight and filling with the panelite.

23. Time for passion near the potting shed. Sarah and Frans brief was Lady Chatterleys lover :) Utilising the beautiful backlight and filling with the panelite.

24. As above

24. As above

25. As 23.

25. As 23.

26. Pure romantic portraits shot into afternoon sun. I was demonstrating how to create a moment of tenderness and by moving camera position create different pictures

26. Pure romantic portraits shot into afternoon sun. I was demonstrating how to create a moment of tenderness and by moving camera position create different pictures

27. As above

27. As above

28. As 26.

28. As 26.


29. Every cherish client wants a back of the dress picture. One of our signature shots and most requested is our "Catwalk" shot. My instructions to Sarah was , be the "Girl from Ipanema"

30. As above

30. As above

31. My final image was this beauty portrait of Sarah. Shot inside the summer house with the sun as my back light, we lit Sarah with the sunfire panelite.

31. My final image was this beauty portrait of Sarah. Shot inside the summer house with the sun as my back light, we lit Sarah with the sunfire panelite.

Chris used: Arri 300w Fresnel light, Lowel 100w battery light and a Sunlight Panelite by Lastolite.

Well there you have it. Another wonderful set of images from my sparring partner Chris Hanley. We’d love you to join us on our next joint workshop: Vintage Cherish The Dress at Bury in Lancashire in August. Please feel free to comment on these pictures below.


  1. Jon Allen

    Hi Damien,

    Could I ask if it is possible to install a dimmer on my Arri300.
    I understand that the WB would change, but to what degree would it change.

    Jon Allen

    • damien

      Hi John

      Yes you can put an inline dimmer on the Arri 300w. It can replace the switch. The nominal colour temperature is 3200k and at half power (1 stop down) this will drop to 2950k. This setting happens with a linear dimmer at 70%. You should not need to make any adjustments to colour temperature if you shoot RAW.
      I hope this helps,

      Kind regards,


  2. damien

    Hi David,

    The next projects are in flux at the moment. I’m contracted for a second book, I’m planning a business DVD and I’m committed to shoot a Studio Lighting DVD all before Christmas. I’ll bring on stream an exciting range of sub £1k HMI Fresnel spotlights from Italy, a battery and inverter combo to power Arris and the HMIs and in In my spare time I’ll start a YouTube channel. That’ll do for starters.

    Cheers, Damien.

  3. Chris Hanley

    thanks for your nice words guys, i appreciate it, especially as its Damien’s blog. Thank you.

  4. David Lowerson

    Hi Damien,

    Long time no speak, loving what you and Chris are doing with your photography. What next for the Lovegrove brand, another book or DVD?

    Kind regards


  5. Karl Bratby

    super shots chris and damien, well done

  6. Ian Hamilton

    Chris – a brilliant day, and thanks for everything!

  7. Chris Hanley

    Thanks Chris, just got back from our vintage wedding, coming down by having a beer and catchin up on the net.
    The ezybox is wicked, but I tell you buddy, the Arri is also a must have. Invaluable at weddings especially in grand old DARK venues :) Cheers for the nice comments

  8. Chris Milner

    Really fantastic images as always Chris, incredible use of light! Just bought myself an Ezybox after seeing it in use with you and Damien in Manchester on the Speedlight Mastery course, looks like my next investment might be an Arri light!


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