Monday’s shoot in Bristol ~ Pictures

Monday’s shoot in Bristol ~ Pictures

This time of year the dappled light is just fantastic. The leaves are small and the patterns they create on walls and other surfaces make striking shots. I was training a couple of Nikon wielding photographers so I borrowed Julie’s D200 for the day. Apart from a...
Big News ~ plus pictures for good measure

Big News ~ plus pictures for good measure

Hi all, I’m back following a recent down time because of a … malicious virus attack on all our systems. We decided to pull our picture galleries that contain Adobe Lightroom web modules because these were the target of our attack. Anyway, we’ve...
Cork wedding pictures 2

Cork wedding pictures 2

I gave my pictures to Marko for his input and here are a few of his transformations. I’ve chosen fresh pictures to give you some idea of the range of pictures taken on the day.