by Damien | Feb 28, 2012 | Location, Wedding
Last month, Julie and I shot a one hour test for a forthcoming bridal boudoir workshop and I thought I’d share some of our naturally lit pictures with you. For the workshop itself we will be working with two gorgeous slightly older professional models. This is...
by Damien | Feb 26, 2012 | Continuous Lighting, Studio
I’ve chosen to study a couple of Rembrandt’s self portraits to reveal the strategies and tools he used to light his subjects. He painted these masterpieces at different ends of his career. Rembrandt was a Dutch painter in the Baroque period influenced by...
by Damien | Feb 19, 2012 | News
A 15,000 frame user report by Damien Lovegrove My first seven months with the Fujifilm x100 has been mostly a joy although my love affair with this little marvel has had its ups and downs. On the plus side every time I pick up the X100 I smile. It enriches my life a...
by Damien | Feb 19, 2012 | Continuous Lighting, Location
Here are twenty of my shots from a recent Femme Fatale™ workshop that I gave at Maunsel House in Somerset. Apart from the last shot they are all lit with natural and/or available light or with the addition of one Lupo HMI daylight balanced spotlight. The lighting I...
by Damien | Feb 19, 2012 | Location, News
The waitress on the ship said to me ” you never waste a minute do you? You are always writing or reading” I guess she’s right. I thought I was doing nothing, taking it easy, but inadvertently while on a family cruise around the middle east I’ve...